And not any old holiday either.... yes... fingers crossed I'm heading back to Orlando aka Disneyworld & Universal!
I've mentioned this a 'few' times on Twitter recently and you guys have been just as excited as me!
Orlando is not cheap.
I mean, the holiday I've looked at is a fab deal (exactly the same as last time) but it's everything that comes along with it... the spending money, the new clothes, travel to and from the airport etc, etc! So for the next year I am going to be trying to SAVE SAVE SAVE as much as I can!
I did a post like this last time I was counting down to my holiday and I thought what better a motivator than to have my plans written on here in black and white so I cannot hide from them!
6 Ways I'm Going To Save Money
1. eBay
eBay is a website I have used for years and years but over the last couple of months I've just found it it more effort and time consuming than it's worth! BUT I'm determined to get back on the selling train and get rid of all clothing and bits and bobs that are just taking up space in my flat! If I haven't worn it this year.... it's going! I'm going to try and keep all that money in Paypal - like a virtual money pot and hopefully it will start adding up without me even realising! (My eBay account)
2. Meal Planning
I waste SO much money on food.
Living in my own place with my boyfriend I'm forever picking up things here and there without even thinking 'Do I need this?' - I mean.... how many boxes of cereal do two people need? Just because its on offer doesn't mean we need it!
I'm going to start planning all my meals so I don't over spend or waste anything! This also goes for snacks.... I'm a sucker for picking quick bites to eat whilst on my work breaks - but even just holding back from spending that £1 or 2 each work day will add up each month!
3. Thinking Before I Buy
This is mainly aimed at my beauty addiction. Shampoos, conditioners, lipsticks... things I have plenty of already - I don't need anymore! There is no point buying a new shower gel if I already have 3 at home or buying a new candle because it smells nice even though I just bought a one the week before! I'll be thinking before every purchase!
4. Avoiding The Evil CC
I only got a credit card for the first time last year. It was probably a mistake because now, each month I seem to use it to bail myself out of being poor - but no more I say, no more!
I'll be paying this off over the next year - slowly but surely -it will be left at home and will go nowhere near the ASOS sale!
5. The Money Pot
These are a great way of saving money! I got the one in the photo above for Christmas from my little brother - and I love it (obviously!) I have this one and another one to help me save, save, save - once it's in not coming out! Then when it's time.... Smash!
6. Cash vs Card
This is something I am going to put into practice from right NOW!
I am a sucker for just using my card for anything and everything, I'm like the queen... I never carry cash! This is a savers worst trait, buying things here, there and everywhere - no matter how small the price - really adds up, and without me even noticing!
So I'm going to try and just withdraw maybe £10 a week to keep in my purse for those little things and maybe I'll think a little more about spending it when I can physically see it right there in paper and coins!
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