Sunday 31 January 2016

January Beauty Favourites 2016

Monthly favourites are here once more ... it feels like forever since I've talked about what I've been loving.... in fact it feels like forever since I actually sat down, relaxed and wrote a proper blog post!

I've split my favourites this month into two post - beauty and non-beauty. First and foremost of course, it's the beauty bits.

Liz Earle's Skin Tonic has shot straight back into my skincare routine this month. Hands down my favourite toner/general face refresher this always clears my skin up and keeps it feeling super clean post cleansing.

I use it twice daily, once before I pop my make-up on in the morning and once in the evening before bed, it is THE best!

Earlier this month I decided to have a huge beauty clearout - there's only so many products one person needs and my over-flowing storage had become enough. So it was goodbye to bags full of unneeded bits and bobs and hello to those few things I had totally forgotten about!

This Lancome Juicy Tube was one of them.
Caramel Gospel is the most gorgeous shimmery brown nude - I've been pairing it with a No7 lip liner to create a gorgeous opaque nude daily - such an easy look and it smells SO good, just like toffee!

Bee Good's Hydrate, Smooth & Prime serum*  is something I started using back at the end of last year. Since then it's slotted itself in nicely with my other daily essentials giving me a lovely fresh base to start with every morning. It's said to target to signs of ageing.... which I definitely need... fingers crossed it's working!

Now onto a product that I completely used up this month - which in my life is a BIG deal! I Had to repurchase my Rimmel Wake Me Up concealer this week as quite frankly, I couldn't live without it.  This creamy light concealer is perfect for hiding my horrible bags. I love using this under and around my eyes and round my nose, it definitely helps on the 'radiance' side too! (I use the shade Ivory.)

Last but not least.... yes only 5 products this month .... we have my favourite perfume. 

I wrote about Thierry Mugler Angel a couple of weeks ago and it's still tip top of my most favourite things to use every day! I only have the 15ml but can tell it's going to last for month I'm so, so impressed with it!

What have YOU been loving this month?


Saturday 30 January 2016

The Blog Make-Over

Hello one and all - and happy weekend!

Yes .... you may have noticed, things are looking a little bit different here on A Yellow Brick Blog!

After months of not being happy with my little internet space I decided to take the plunge and have a bit of a blog re-vamp. (minus my header..... although that is still a strong possibility!) 

There are a few more tweaks to make and things to add but we are up and running and I feel so much better about things already!

This year I seriously want to up my game with this blogging lark - every year I've talked about growth and volume but my mind right now just wants to focus on the content - the stuff I'm writing, the photos I'm taking - lets take AYBB to the next level!

I'd love to hear any feedback you guys have on the new layout and if you have any requests for posts or favourite types that I already upload :)

See you soon girlies xoxo


Monday 25 January 2016

Life Advice I'm Taking From Blair Waldorf

Gossip Girl and it's NYC drama may seem like a distant memory to some of you - can you believe it ended in 2012?! - but the thought of Blair, Serena, Chuck, Nate and their fabulous drama will always live on in my mind.

I've always been a HUGE GG fan and Blair hands down was my favourite character from the start - her one liners and straight talking attitude used to make me laugh out loud and I'm not going to lie..... I kind of wish I could be a little more like her (hairbands and all!).

So I've decided for 2016 I'm going to take on Blair's wise advice... because I mean - she's so damn good at it!

1.  There is ALWAYS something to smile about.
As much as you might want to scream, cry or curl up in a ball - remember the good stuff. Be grateful.
2. Be determined. Never stop until you've reached your goals and don't stop making more.
3. Don't let anyone dull your shine. Refuse to be put down - reject the negativity.
4. Don't wait. Get out there and take life on - create your future, live the life you want.
5. If all else fails. Shopping helps.......
6. .......and sometimes so does drinking.
7. Always make a little effort (even when you really, really don't feel like it) it will always make you feel a little better.
8. As much as you love it - sometimes just sometimes sleep shouldn't be a priority. 
9. Mean people. Fake people. Rude people. Don't waste your energy.  #ByeBye

10. I'm taking this one and using it against junk food..... #idontneedyou

Now........ who's for a GG marathon?
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Thursday 21 January 2016

Montagne Jeunesse Chocoholic Mud Face Mask Review

It's that time once again - another mask review!
Now..... if you saw my tweets last weekend you may know what I'm going to say about this one!

Another Primark sachet and this time it's - Chocoholic Mud.
Now this stuff was thick, it actually felt like proper mud which made it so lovely to apply. It was so easy to spread and gave a nice thick, even layer with just half the sachet. (A little bit like smearing Nutella all over my face!)
The smell, of course, was super yummy - very much like the Hot Chocolate MJ mask. (which is one of my favourites!)

I left this on for about 20 minutes (the sachet says 15-20 but I was watching Harry Potter so I did leave it on a little longer than I normally would).
When I went to wash it off it was totally set. I love this feeling! But as I began to take it off with a warm muslin I noticed my skin underneath was red and feeling quite warm.
At this point I thought I'd better get this thing off me and ASAP.
I took of the rest of the mask and then got a new muslin cloth, soaked it in cold water and laid it over my face for a out 30 seconds.

This seemed to bring down the temparute of my skin a little but I still looked really red!

I was heading out a short while after this so I started to worry but once I had applied my Nivea hydration primer and got some air to my face it calmed down alot and was nearly unoticeable!

By the evening my skin was looking so clear and glowing - I think maybe I just left the mask on a little longer than I should have for my skin - I've had a similar reaction to 'mud' masks in the past - I think 10-15 minutes is probably better for me!

What mask should I try next?

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Tuesday 19 January 2016

Putting Down My Phone...

Over the past week something has really hit me. I look at my phone far too much. I mean.... it's like an extra limb.

Yes this sounds so stupid, as it is probably really obvious with the amount of time I spend on social media and browsing ASOS, but really.... it's unnecessary. 

My evenings for years have had me sat glued to my phone 99% of the time, only breaking when I'm eating or watching TV and even then I'm bloomin' commentating about it aren't I!

Now my job is a day constantly on a laptop and online I actually enjoy having a break from the internet world once I'm home .....
So I've made a deal with myself. 
I'm going to get back into reading.
I have always loved reading but with the internet being such a distraction especially around bedtime, by the time I've finished browsing and scrolling my eyes are dropping, I'm half asleep and there's noway I could delve into that book that's been sat on my bedside table for months.

There's nothing more relaxing than getting cosy and totally loosing yourself in a story... with a cup of tea near by obviously.
 I used to go through so many books and LOVED it! I'd get so excited about finishing an amazing story or finding a new series to start and I'd always love sharing my thoughts and recommendations with friends and on goodreads (the best site ever for readers!).

Nowadays I feel like a total failure because I'll read 50 pages of something then forgot to carry on until another 3 weeks later or so - it's terrible!

Last year I told myself I'd read more and what happened? I got distracted and didn't. I don't even know if I did finish a book last year and I find that embarrassing to admit! (Oh yeah I did... 'The Girl On The Train' - awesome book!)

So - I'm going to start with the Harry Potter series - total classics. I then have a whole book shelf and kindle to get through - all the books and downloads I've accumulated over the last 2 or 3 years that I've never ended up reading, I'm determined to get through them all this year.

Wanna join me? Do it!
 Let me know on Twitter and in the comments below! #PuttingDownMyPhone
 I'd also love your book recommendations - leave them all below so we can all have an amazing reading list to explore and save :)
A couple of personal favourites you guys need to check out - the 'Delirium' trilogy and the 'Eve' trilogy!
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Monday 18 January 2016

IJustLoveIt Personalised Framed Playing Cards With Heart

Whether you are looking to treat yourself or after a gift for someone you love - IJustLoveIt literally has THE most amazing aray of unique personalised gifts, from personalised spoons to bottles of wine I could literally browse through the site for hours decking out my own home!

With Valentine's just around the corner I wanted to share with you this gorgeous piece below.

Made with individual cards sourced from a 1930s spelling game (how cool!) this A4 black wood box frame is a fabulous unique piece to add to any home.
Most of my decor at home is black and white so this fits in perfectly, I love the simplicity and sweet sentiment.

Obviously mine is J and K for me and Joey - but I think these would be lovely even with your own initials or parents initials!

I love pieces like this - totally stand-out and always a talking point - you may remember the IOW framed piece I have too (here), so many people from my home town total fell in love with that.

The service from IJLI is always amazing - so quick and packaged perfectly, I cannot recommend them enough.
Check out the whole range - here.
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Sunday 17 January 2016

My January Lust List

All the things I have been aimlessly window shopping over this month..... it's about time someone invented a money tree!

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Thursday 14 January 2016

My Desk Essentials

As you may have seen over on Twitter, Facebook or even on here - this month saw me start a totally new career!
Finally out of my unfulfilling and repetitive days in retail and into the world of PR and social media - yes, my dream!
I am LOVING my role so far and am getting so excited to work everyday - I feel so lucky!
Anyway today I thought I would give you a little sneak peek onto my desk. How exciting eh?
I never thought I'd have my own desk and the novelty of it all definitely hasn't worn off yet (it's only been a week!) - so ... here, have a look!
First of all.... my glasses. Over the last couple of years my eyesight has got ALOT worse and as I'm on my computer nearly all day they are a MUST for me! 
I'm really hoping to get some new frames soon too - I need more than one pair of glasses with my new prescription in for sure!

Notebooks are a MUST! Throughout the day I write down soooo much - to-dos, comments, things to remember - I can't imagine how many I'm going to go through!
I got the cute white and gold one from TK Maxx recently - I'm in love and it was only £4.99!
Highlighters are also a god send, how cute is my little bear set? They were from ASOS - adorable!

Hand cream is the easiest way to have a little pamper session whilst at your desk - I'm in love with the Soap & Glory minis (the Sugar Crush one HAS to be my favourite) - with all that typing I'm doing, keeping my hands in good condition is a must.... obviously. #anyexcuse

Another product I find myself applying 500 times a day is lip balm - another beauty treat throughout my working days. This BeeGood Raspberry & White Chocolate* tube is amazing, I'm a huge chocolate fan so this is right up my street.. The scent is so yummy and the product itself leaves the lips feeling so smooth and hydrated without any hint of stickiness! I've been using this daily for nearly a month now and it is still going strong!

I can't even tell you how many cups of tea I go through a day..... mainly green tea (my fav) but there's so many teas where I work that I feel like everyday is going to be a 'trying something new' day! There is always a mug within 1 foot of me.

Last but not least.....snacks! I've been so good to keep on the health train during my workdays and my favourite things for a decent snack are Eat Natural bars! I always have one of the Brazil but, sultana and almond bars from them for my afternoon break, they are so good and you can really make them last.

What are you desk essentials? 
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Wednesday 13 January 2016

3 Beauty Products Worth Splashing Out On

With the millions of different products out there in the beauty world it's hard to know what's worth investing in and splashing out your well-earned and well-saved pennies on.

I'm a girl who most of the time uses your bog standard everyday drugstore brands and products - but there's a few things I have bought or been given as presents that have lasted the test of time and, for me, are worth every single penny.

1. Expensive Perfumes

I have lots of different perfumes - from Taylor Swift to Armani - and I'm not saying that the amount you pay makes the perfume scent any better or any worse in most cases. 
But from experience with my higher end price tag perfumes I really do notice the stay-time, the amount used and the compliments alot more.
 With just a couple of squirts from some of them I'm set for the day, which in turn means that they last alot longer, none of this applying twenty times a day malark!
Sometimes splashing out on a scent that you really really love knowing it was last is better  than buying bottle after bottle of a perfume you go through quicker than your iPhone battery!
My favourites are Angel, Alien, Si, Flower, Modern Muse Le Rouge & Miss Dior.

2. Straighteners

As much as I have tried other straighteners, (and don't get me wrong I've liked other straighteners) my heart will always lie with my original ghds.
I have had this pair of ghds since I was 13 or 14 years old (I think I got them for Christmas 2003) - I am now nearly 26 and I still use them every.single.week.
They are the greatest beauty investment you can buy - I will tell you that now! Yes they are over £100 but I far for me that's less than £10 a year - a very worthy price for something so loved and used.

3. High End Eyeshadow Palettes 

How many times have you looked at an eyeshadow palette and fallen in love.... but then seen the price tag and immediately written it off as a no-go.
If you're anything like me then this happens all the bloomin' time!
I tend to forget how long my higher-end make-up lasts me.
 For instance my UD Naked palette has been in my collection now for about 3 or 4 years and it's still going strong - even though I've used it for my eyes nearly everytime I've done a full-face of make-up.
It's my go-to, my holy grail, and even though it retails for nearly £40 after using it for so long and still having so much left - the quality speaks for itself, well worth the investment! 
I'm now looking at maybe grabbing the 2 or 3.... thoughts? opinions?

Let me know what you've splashed out on and haven't regretting below in the comments!
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Tuesday 12 January 2016

My New Everyday Perfume : Thierry Mugler Angel Eau De Parfum

For Christmas this year (last year?.... 2015! You know what I mean) I was lucky enough to be given 2 Thierry Mugler perfumes that I had been wanting forever - Angel & Alien.

My mum has been wearing Angel pretty much since it came out and I've always been such a fan (stealing sprays when I can.... hahs sorry Mum!) Until now I've just had the Glade Honey & Chocolate candles at home constantly, they have such a similar scent - warm and sweet they make everything smell amazing.

Angel has now become my everyday perfume. The sweet smell of vanilla, chocolate, honey and patchouli is strong but not overpowering and with just one or two spritz' the scent stays on all day.
Normally with perfumes after a couple of hours I find even if others can still smell the fragrance on me I can't smell it on myself anymore but with Angel I can smell it all day which I love.

I only got a 15ml bottle for Christmas - which sounds tiny but I was surprised by how big it was - I was picturing a little tester size! I've used it everyday so far and it looks like I've basically used none - I can tell it's going to last for months and as soon as it runs out I won't might picking up another.

If you haven't smelt Angel before I highly recommend you go grab a tester soon - it's not to everyone's taste but if you like warm, sweet scents (or chocolate) you might just find yourself a new favourite.

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Monday 11 January 2016

The Scrub Of Your Life : How I Get Rid Of Those Pesky Upper Arm Bumps

Hello and Happy Monday! (OR whatever day you may find yourself here on AYBB!)

Today I'm talking arms. 
Well actually I'll be talking about a product for the whole body but in particular arms.
My arms in fact and something that has been a problem for me since I was a teenager.

Do any of you suffer with those pesky red bumps on the backs of your upper arms? Come on...I can't be the only one!
It's been something that I've had since I was young and I will always remember one of my friends at middle school telling me it was because I ate too much bread.....
I never ate alot of bread so I was super confused and wondered how that could possibly be related?!

But now I am older, wiser and have the powers of the internet so found out what those bumps ACTUALLY are and why they are there.

Keratosis Pilaris is the technical term and instead of me rambling on about the science and biology - here is a link to all the information you need if you want it.

The basics? This annoying skin condition is caused when too much keratin builds up in the skin's hair follicles. The excess keratin blocks the hair follicles with plugs of hard, rough skin. The tiny plugs widen the pores, giving the skin a spotty appearance. Sounds a bit gross but it's harmless and super common.

Anyway back to the beauty part and the product I'm sure you all want to hear about.

This classic Soap & Glory product I've mentioned before on here but not for a while and over the last month I've fallen back in love with it so much so I thought why not share it!

The Scrub Of You Life is one of the first scrubs Soap & Glory added to their collection, with the original scent and fun pink packaging this is a must for all girly girls out there!
Probably the most used and most repurchased of all the scrubs I own, this stuff has come to the rescue many a time.
Foamy and fruity I love the scent and with this stuff a little goes a long, long way leaving my skin feeling so much softer and smoother without drying it out.

Just a few uses a week and the bumps on my arms are faded and sometimes totally gone - I can't live without this stuff!
So if you're looking for a new scrub to try or want something to try and tame those bumps - I highly recommend this.

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Friday 8 January 2016

Disney Wishlist : Star Wars Special

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Thursday 7 January 2016

Montagne Jeunesse Candyfloss Scrub Face Mask Review

You may remember my Instagram posts and tweeting about my trip to Primark late last year. 
During this trip I managed to nab some fabulous Montagne Jeunesse face masks which I had never tried before! 
All Primark exclusives of course, I was so excited to see lots of sachets I'd not heard of so naturally I bought them all. (They were only 90p each - bargain!)

The one I was most looking forward to trying was this - Candyfloss Scrub. Made with Passion Flower and Lotus Blossom this was said to be a sweet treat for sparkling skin. 
Everyone know how much of a sweet fan I am from everything from food to scents to well.... skincare so I couldn't wait to find a new relaxing time to give this one a go.

With this being a scrub mask I thought what better a time to try it out than after a heavy week of partying, eating rubbish and having a pants sleeping pattern (aka the end of December). Something to help totally refresh and rejuvenate my face ready for a new year (and new job!).

I was surprised by the consistency of this to be totally honest, I had pictured a thick, creamy pink scrub but instead I was greated with a clear pink gel with scrubbing beads. 
Putting this on my face felt... weird. It smells so yummy - alot like rubbing sweets onto my skin which made me feel like I shouldn't be doing it!
The first step on the sachet is "warm mask" .... there are no details alongside this though so I just rubbed it in my hands for a bit, although I probably should have popped it into some hot water but my brain only told me this AFTER I'd started using it... opps!

After the 15 minutes I took it off with warm water - it went to a kind of creamy white shade once the warm water had been applied so I wasn't sure if that's how it should have looked like when heated but it still seemed to do the job.

My skin felt really soft and any signs are tired, dull skin were gone - yay!

For 90p these masks really are such a skincare bargain - I think people can be put off by the cheap price but the quality of this collection is amazing - I will always be a fan! Now..... when can I try the rest of the ones I bought......

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Wednesday 6 January 2016

Fashion : Off Duty Denim with George @ ASDA

A few years ago jeans were something which never even entered my mind when getting dressed. 
I wasn't confident with my legs and thought denim always made me look huge - fast forward to today and I don't know what I'd do without my few pairs that I own and love.

Recently I was sent a challenge by George @ ASDA to show off how I transform denim from a casual daytime look to something a little more glam. 
Jeans are perfect for everyday wear yes, but they can also look great for a nice dinner date, a night out with the girls or even a blogging event!

The jeans I chose to try were the Fashion Box High Waisted Jeans in Navy. The reviews looked great,I always prefer a stretchy lightweight material rather than a thick stiff denim so these seemed like a great choice for me, plus I'm a huge fan of high waists - they hide a multitude of sins and are great for dressing up and down.
At only £16 I'm SO impressed with them - I have honestly been wearing them non-stop - cinema trips, dinner with friends, Christmas day, my recent trip to London - they are amazing and so flattering.

Here's an example of an easy daytime outfit. I love oversized knitwear at this time of year (especially after eating all that Christmas food) - so cosy and snug! Plus the rips in the jeans and trainers help to dress down the whole look. (Can we just have a LOL at my facial expression here.... what a miserable cow!)

Now how I've dressed them up!
 I'm obsessed with my black over the knee boots from Boohoo right now and have been wearing them so much over the last month! I love pairing these together as it hides the rips in the jeans, immediately making them a bit more formal! 
I choose to tuck in the plain cami to show off the high waist and make it all look a bit more 'going out'. The finishing touch is the awesome jacket *heart eyes*. I had been wanting a short fur jacket for months and this is just gorgeous, so soft and fits like a glove.

I cannot recommend these jeans enough I've already had one friend saying she's bought some and fallen in love - for £16 I need them in every colour possible, well done ASDA!

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Tuesday 5 January 2016

15 Things To Remind Yourself In 2016

1. It's never too late to start on something you've always wanted.
2. We are all different, stop comparing yourself. (as hard as it is...)
3. No-one ever gained weight from one slice of cake.
4. If you really want something, you'll make the time for it.
5. Taking on one task at a time is the best way to stay organised.
6. It is always better to be poor in purse and rich in life.
7. To-do lists are THE best.
8. Leaving the house at least once everyday WILL make you feel better.
9. There's always someone worse off - think about it when deciding to moan.
10. Worrying won't change the outcome.
11. Nine times out of ten you should take the risk.
12. People who make you feel bad about yourself aren't worth keeping around. (Unless they are your personal trainer....)
13. You'll never regret a run.
14. It's okay to show emotion. Cry, laugh, scream - let it out.
15. Eyebrows are pretty important. 

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Monday 4 January 2016

Liz Earle Eucalyptus & Rosemary Botanical Candle

This Christmas I was lucky enough to receive the gorgeous Beauty Icons Gift Set from Liz Earle - my best friend knows me so well and seriously spoilt me!

Everyone knows how much I LOVE Cleanse and Polish - I rant and rave about it monthly and honestly haven't found a skincare product I love more, so to receive a brand new bottle and some fresh muslin's was a god send... to have the beautiful candle alongside it - wow!

I'd smelt the candle before and had fallen in love. The scent is inspired by Cleanse & Polish and has the gorgeous relaxing and calming aroma of eucalyptus and rosemary. (I mean that's a little obvious with the name and all!)

The candle's scent fills to room within minutes creating a peaceful and uplifting space - perfect for when I want some 'me' time or when I'm working/blogging.

The scent is definitely something a little more mature than my other candles but it's becoming one of my most used throughout the home so far this year.

They are a little pricey at £40 individually but you don't actually have to burn it for a long time to get the full ambiance of the scent so you can really make it last with the 40 hour burning time. 

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Sunday 3 January 2016

Mark Hill Kerasatin Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner

Happy New Year everyone! 
First and foremost I must apologise about December, I was very slack on the blogging front due to the fact it was Christmas, I was finishing up at my old job whilst trying to start on my new one and generally just a little bit too busy to be able to sit down, take photos and write.
But.... it's a new year and I'm determined to get back on track and make A Yellow Brick Blog better than it has ever been. (starting with a well deserved revamp and new look in the not too distant future) 

So lets crack on and get talking .... I've missed sharing my thoughts, beauty news and general ramblings....
Mark Hill Kerasatin Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner*

Over the last few weeks I have been using these - Mark Hill's KERAsatin shampoo and conditioner. They are part of the new look Mark Hill range (ooo snazzy) and are the pair to get if you are after a smooth and frizz-free barnet.

 I'm not sure whether it's all hair dryer avoidance, messy buns and quick up-dos thrust upon my hair over the last month or two or the horrible weather but my hair had been going through a real frizzy/dry/'oh dear' stage... which when you have a bob just isn't fantastic.
 I mean it's bad at any hair length but a frizzy bob makes me look like a 12 year old boy.... something which, funnily enough, doesn't suit me!

So when I had the chance to try these two out I thought a hair rescue was upon me.... and it was. 

The kerasatin range contains pure keratin which creates a moisture-rich formula for both the shampoo and the conditioner, this helps to calm your hair down and let it drink up the moisture it needs - something which my locks definitely wanted.

I've noticed such a different with these, even to the point that when I wet my hair to wash it I can still feel how much smoother and softer it feels from the last time it was washed! 
My short hair is alot more managable and smooth - which has been great for the festive period as I've been out and about alot more!

A great duo and seriously affordable - you can find them here and here.

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