Yes this sounds so stupid, as it is probably really obvious with the amount of time I spend on social media and browsing ASOS, but really.... it's unnecessary.
My evenings for years have had me sat glued to my phone 99% of the time, only breaking when I'm eating or watching TV and even then I'm bloomin' commentating about it aren't I!
Now my job is a day constantly on a laptop and online I actually enjoy having a break from the internet world once I'm home .....
So I've made a deal with myself.
I'm going to get back into reading.
I have always loved reading but with the internet being such a distraction especially around bedtime, by the time I've finished browsing and scrolling my eyes are dropping, I'm half asleep and there's noway I could delve into that book that's been sat on my bedside table for months.There's nothing more relaxing than getting cosy and totally loosing yourself in a story... with a cup of tea near by obviously.
I used to go through so many books and LOVED it! I'd get so excited about finishing an amazing story or finding a new series to start and I'd always love sharing my thoughts and recommendations with friends and on goodreads (the best site ever for readers!).
Nowadays I feel like a total failure because I'll read 50 pages of something then forgot to carry on until another 3 weeks later or so - it's terrible!
Last year I told myself I'd read more and what happened? I got distracted and didn't. I don't even know if I did finish a book last year and I find that embarrassing to admit! (Oh yeah I did... 'The Girl On The Train' - awesome book!)
So - I'm going to start with the Harry Potter series - total classics. I then have a whole book shelf and kindle to get through - all the books and downloads I've accumulated over the last 2 or 3 years that I've never ended up reading, I'm determined to get through them all this year.
Wanna join me? Do it!
Let me know on Twitter and in the comments below! #PuttingDownMyPhone
I'd also love your book recommendations - leave them all below so we can all have an amazing reading list to explore and save :)
A couple of personal favourites you guys need to check out - the 'Delirium' trilogy and the 'Eve' trilogy!
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This is something I want to do more of too! I love reading so much, especially the prospect of being transported to another world for a short period of time! I recommend setting up a profile on good reads if you don't have one already, its great for keeping track of the books you've read and you can find some great recommendations, you can also set yourself a reading challenge for the year based on how much you want to read!