Monday, 22 August 2016

4 Reasons Internet Friends Are God Damn Great!

A good few years ago if you said you had a friend online people may have looked at you like 1. you were crazy, 2. naive and 3. ... kind of sad. (Or 4. your parents would have banned you from using the family computer)

Nowadays more or less all of us who venture into the world of social media have people we talk to on a regular basis without, most of the time, ever even meeting - and it's not weird!

This is a huge thing in the blogging world and I, myself, have many lovely girls I've met online who I class as friends that I can contact and talk to at any time of the day!
So..... why are internet friends oh so fabulous? ....

1. You have ALOT in common
Yes - you are always guaranteed to find someone else online who has the passion and love for the same thing/s as you! 
You may bond over your obsession with Buffy The Vampire Slayer or Disney - or talk in depths about that awesome TV show that's on right now *cough*PLL*cough*(yes I'm totally referring to myself here) ... or maybe you collect spoons and you've found someone else that does too - you never thought you'd see the day right?
Sometimes you may even feel that you have more in common with those internet pals you tap away on your phone talking to than your best friends of 20 years. (Nothing wrong with that obviously, we all have different passions and hobbies!)  

2. They are ALWAYS there (any time of day or night!)
I mean us bloggers are online alot. We are slaves to social media and spend a good few hours on the internet a day..... don't deny it.
So if we need some help with some online shizz, want to ask a question.... or maybe need to vent about things that your friends, family and partner might not quite understand? Queue those incredible internet friends that totally get your html woes and Instagram struggles!

3. They are amazing supporters
The amazing girls I've been luckily enough to chat to are literally the supportive babes ever! Always helping me when I feel down and helping me with my blogging woes and confidence issues. (April Todd you are the best!)

4. Even though you've never met .... you can still pour your heart out to them.
They say sometime it's best to talk to people on the outside! Hello internet friends.
Yes, you can crack on and pour your heart out to them, rant, tell them your deepest darkest secrets and know they won't judge you or think you're strange.... in fact they probably did the same thing to you last week.

 Thank you to all my internet pals out there - you know who you are - not everyone understands the weird 21st century relationship we have .... but you rock! (and we WILL meet asap, I promise!)



  1. I could not agree more! I have met some of the best friends i have ever had thru blogging!

  2. I agree, I've "met" great bloggers online and they are so supportive and always have my back!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  3. Totally agree with you!!!

  4. I love this! One of my best friends is from the blogosphere as well and ended up visiting her in NZ earlier this year! Internet friends are the best, haha.

  5. Love this post! I've made some of my best friends through blogging and having that shared interest really helps bond you. Not to mention, they know that it's always photographs before eating!

    The Little Things | Louise x

  6. Check this site on flexispy app, its terrific mobile spy app that can fetch almost all information your friends phones could provide.


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