Wednesday, 22 January 2014

A Year in Review 2013

2013 may seem a million years ago (aka 3 weeks) but after being tagged to do this post I thought back to 2013 and how much fun I had blogging so this seemed he perfect thing to include on my here!
I was tagged by Lauren from BeautyxDivision and I loved reading her answers! So interesting to find out who everyone else has been loving and what posts have been their most popular and I thought this would be great to look back on in a couple of years!
So here we go - A Yellow Brick Blog's year in review : 2013. 
 Q1: Top 5 new blogs to read in 2013 
To whittle it down to just 5 is hard because I love so many but I think I'd have to say : 
Sugarfixx BeautyGlambeautysTease Flutter PoutThumbelina Lillie & Late Night Nonsense . (For a list of all the blog I've been loving check out my Blogs I Love post)

    Q2: List your 5 most read blog posts in 2013
    Q3: Your favourite blog post of 2013
    That I've written? I think I would have to say My Weightloss Story - it is a very personal post that I am quite proud of, it took alot for me to write it (it was like therapy!) and the reaction/comments I still get to this very day makes me so glad that I was brave enough to upload it! It also helps when I've gained a couple of pounds to help motivate me to get my butt in gear! I also loved completing the 30 Day Snap - I was proud to keep that up and keeping up with the creator of The 30 Day Snap (the legend that is Louise from Sprinkle Of Glitter) and her photos for each day!

    Q4: What would you like to improve(if anything) on your blog next year?
    100% my images. My camera isn't a bad camera and with the right lighting i'm normally quite happy with the photos I upload but over the last few winter months I have realised how much I do rely on natural sunlight! I would love to invest in a digital SLR (Canon 600D I have my eyes on you!) and some snazzy lighting to help improve A Yellow Brick Blog because I feel photos really can make or break a blog! (I would also love a total blog make-over!)

    Q5: Name one blog you have a blog crush on 
    Who haven't I got a blog crush on? Glambeautys, Tanya Burr, Couture Girl... the list is endless!

    Q6: How often do you post?
    I like to post as much as I can, I try and keep my posts mixed up so it isn't alot of one subject or one type of post but with a full-time job it is difficult to post most days. Right now I've posted 11 days in a row which I am so proud of - high fiving myself!

    Q8: Share your first blog post of 2013
    My first post of 2013 was back on 21st May. It was titled  'I Am Back!' - I have had A Yellow Brick Blog since 2011 but unfortunately previously when it came to blogging I'd do a couple of posts times and then the motivation would fade away and I'd forget all about it for months on end! When I uploaded this back in May I knew I wanted to may a go of my blog and put as much work into it as I could.
    I've loved reading blogs and watching youtube for so many years now I wanted a little space of my own to share my loves and interests - even if it was just going to be me reading it!

    Q9: Name one thing you would be doing if you weren't writing this post right now
    I need to sort out my wardrobe! As I'm on a spending ban to help save money for my holiday to Florida I thought it would be great to start eBaying again and get rid of all the clothes and accessories that have just been sat in my wardrobe for months on end collecting dust! So that would be what I would be doing if I wasn't sat here on my laptop watching George Of The Jungle.... don't judge!

    Q10: What have you loved the most about blogging in 2013?
    Definitely the community. Everyone is so lovely, supportive and just total babes! I'd love to think that I have made some good friends through doing all this blogging malark! I've also loved watching my blog grow - the fact I am nearly hitting 1000 followers on Bloglovin after just 8 months is just insane to me - I am overwhelmed - so thank you all!

    I think these are such great questions and so fun to answer and read alike! So I tag you all - all you blog writers to get involved and share all your posts and feeling about blogging in 2013!



    1. Thats i really nice post to reflect on the year! i completely agree with you about the community! It's so loving and just so nice to find such lovely people online! Best wishes for 2014 xx

    2. Awh Kirstie, you absolute babe you <3 I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog for the past couple of months you amazing gal!

      Megan xxx
      Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty Blog


    Thank you so so much for coming over and checking out my blog! Feel free to leave a comment or question - or for an instant answer tweet me @alohakirstie and I'll be sure to get back to you asap :)

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