Monday, 5 October 2015

Blogging Behind The Scenes : How I Stay Organised

Starting a blog has turned me into a crazy organised lady. 
Well.... only when it comes to blog stuff - the rest of my life is still a mess.... but my blogging game is sorted (most of the time).
Since starting A Yellow Brick Blog back in 2013 I have slowly worked out a system of how I can get all my bits and bobs in order each week and how to not get too overwhelmed or stressed out about it all.
 Don't get me wrong I have weeks where I am tearing my hair out and have no idea where to start or what to do but for the most part I'm fairly organised and prepared for what I have to do that day/week.

So I thought why not add another post to my 'Blogging Behind The Scenes' series and let you guys know how I keep organised when it comes to writing, posting, photo-taking etcetcetc.

1. Lists, lists, lists
I could not tell you how many lists I have lying around. I have lists of post ideas, things to-do, photos I need to take, e-mails I need to reply too - I could not keep organised without my handfuls and handfuls of lists. (I do not joke when I say I can notebook after notebook scattered around my home

2. Bulk Photo Taking 
This is a must for me. Working full-time I don't have alot of time throughout the week to sit down and focus on my blog - it's mainly only on my days off. So when I get time to get on with things I try and cram as much as I can in.
When I take photos I try and take as many as possible for as many posts as possible so that when I'm ready to sit down and start writing all the pictures for the post are ready for me to add - it saves SO much time.

3. Scheduling Posts
Well.... this is number one for me. When people say to me 'How do you schedule posts?' I'm like ...whhhhhat?! How do you not?!  
Near enough all my posts are scheduled - and what this means is that once I am done writing a post and I'm ready to upload it I choose the day and time I want it to go live.
This means I can sit on a Sunday and write and upload all my posts for the upcoming and not have to worry about them as they will automatically just go up when they are set too! Easy peasy!

4. Setting Aside Time
I work a full time job - that's 9 hours a day 5 days out of the week. 
So when I know I'm going to have some spare time with nothing going on I near enough always fill it with blogging (Yup... it's a pretty demanding hobby). 
It's normally on one of my days off and I try and cram in as much as I possibly can.
I have my little set-up which I like to sit at and with all my photos already taken and ready to add to a post I normally just sit down and write, write, write.

How do you keep yourself organised?
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  1. I love scheduling! It took me about a week of blogging before realising I could! It's such a lifesaver, especially if you're out for an evening!! :D x

  2. You're so organised :) I wish I was, Lissy takes all my pics for me but I edit them (brighten etc) and it takes me so long to write the post it's hard but I don't work so easier for me on that front, I really admire that you work full time too lovely, hats off to you <3 xxx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo

  3. I wish I was organised I really need to start to schedule posts! x

    Zoe Mountford x

  4. I've been so organized lately as well and I know scheduling is my best friend and taking in bulk are the best things to do.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  5. I love this post, I'm a bit of a list whore too!

    Lillies and Lipbalm


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