Wednesday 12 July 2017

UTan and Tone's Coconut Tanning Water : the fastest and easiest way to tan your face!

 I cannot be the only person out there who is a total wimp when it comes to using fake tan on my face. I'm good with tan, I like it, I love it, but there's something about wiping the mitt all over my face that makes me ever so nervous.
So nervous in fact that I'll let you into a secret.... I hardly ever fake tan my face (unless I'm desperate.). I'll tan up to my neck/chin and then pop on darker foundation when doing my make-up! 

Tanning mousse is fairly thick, so on my face over night I do worry that it's going to clog my pores and leave me with spots as well as a face that looks like it's been to the sun on holiday. Plus, I use alot of facial scrubs and masks as well as Cleanse & Polish, so tan never seems to last as long on my face as it does my body.

So, what more could I possibly need in my life than a lightweight facial mist that gradually tans the face in just 4-6 hours..... 
Yes, Utan and Tone have just released what is said to be the 'fastest and easiest way to tan your face!' and I am here for it.

Infused with real coconut extracts and vitamins, Aloe Vera and Vitamin E their new Coconut Tanning Water* is not only sweet smelling (yes, no biscuits) but is refreshing, hydrating and an easy way to add a gorgeous glow to your complexion with a few spritz of a bottle any time of day.

To apply all you have to do is spray onto clean dry skin and I usually use around four pumps to cover my entire face. I'm lucky that I work at home - so most weeks I don't put on make-up until I go out in the evening or sometimes I only bother at weekends, so I can pop this on while I'm bare faced working away at my desk for 6 hours and then wash/wipe it off! (It's stain-free and colourless too which is a massive bonus) 
Saying this though you can actually pop it on both under and on top of your make-up.... I just feel it will work best with a clean face.

I've been using this for around a week now and have popped it on around four times and with that, I have to say, I am really starting to see a nice natural difference. My skin is glowing and I look a lot healthier, I have been so pale lately... even with this nice weather!.
 I am 100% going to continue using this product, having a tan just makes me look and feel so much better about myself and I don't even have to worry about sleeping in a product, it looking patchy or coming off before the rest of my tan as you can build up the colour as and when you like!
Top marks from me, a total summer must-have!

How do you tan your face? Are you brave and use your usual body tan... or are you a bit of a wimp like me?

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  1. This sounds genius, even I am tempted to try it and I rarely want my face to tan but think this would give me a nice natural glow and hopefully mask some of the dodgy chin spots I have got going on, great review! Thank you for sharing, hope you have an amazing week x

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

    1. Hey Kiran! Thanks so much for reading! I am LOVING this product - I'm actually sat at my desk now with it sprayed all over my face, it smells so nice! I'm hoping to get a bit of extra colour before the weekend! x


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