Tuesday 3 October 2017

Neal & Wolf : Natural Curl Styling Routine

I apologise for the lack of posts lately, once again life has taken over and unfortunately blogging had to take a backseat. But I'm back and fingers crossed there are lots of posts coming your way!

My hair has really done everything over the last few years -  colours, lengths, styles... I've literally done it all!
At the beginning of this year I made a conscience effort to try and get my hair back into a good condition. After trying ombre for a few months I thought it was time to dye my hair all over and get it cut into a bob... therefore starting over completely with my hair.
 Since then I have tried to keep it in the best condition I can and have only used heat on it a handful of times and it's already feeling a million times better!

Of course, the products I have been using have been a huge contributor into my hair's condition and I want to share with you the brand that has completely stolen my heart... and hair!

I first discovered Neal & Wolf back in 2014 and from this review, I think you can tell it was love at first use. (Let's not laugh at my old blogging style please... it's been three years since this post!)
So when Neal & Wolf contacted me this Summer and asked if I'd like to try out some more of their collection... I was in, so so in!

Neal & Wolf offer everything from shampoos and sprays to clays and pastes, with prices ranging from £10 to £120.

This Summer Neal & Wolf created three different 'looks' created with their range of products - Awaken, Enchant & Epiphany and their lovely team send me an exciting bundle of goodies to re-create the look they thought would suit me and my hair most ... Awaken

Firstly I prep my hair with the Amplify Volumising Shampoo and Conditioner. These products honestly smell incredible (they also do a candle which I NEED in my life), a super relaxing scent which lasts and lasts on your hair!
These keep my hair looking fresh and shiny whilst giving it a slight lift.
After towel drying my hair it's time to apply my Velvet Hair Oil (favourite product ever!) for soft, shiny ends and the Uplift Mist and Enhance Mousse for a cheeky additional boost... I'm not normally a mousse fan, I'm so used to them leaving my hair sticky and crusty but this product is like air, you can hardly feel it in your hair - so impressed!

Time it's time to blow dry.... and the Guard Heat Protection Spray - which I always spray before both blow drying and styling but if I'm totally honest if I have enough time I will always air dry my hair.

To style I just separate my hair into four sections, two lower and two upper, and use my Remington Waving Wand to create simple, easy waves. I then brush through lightly with my tangle teezer to blend them all together and create a natural look.
To finish I backcomb the roots slightly for a bit of lift and spray the Fix Hold & Shine Spray to help hold everything in place! This spray is a god send - it's not an aerosol but holds everything in place just like a regular hairspray without making the hair feel stiff!
I have been LOVING this products so much, not only does my hair feel great but it smells amazing too. Using heat isn't an everyday occurrence for me but when I do, this routine works so well, it's super quick and easy and lasts all day (or night!).
Above are photos of my natural hair but I have always used this same routine on my extensions too! Check out my longer hair - HERE (Yes I may have had it coloured...)

*This post is NOT sponsored but I was sent all the products from to try from Neal & Wolf, all opinions and ideas are my own :)

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