Tuesday 5 December 2017

See you in 2018...

As you have probably noticed (or maybe not) I have been fairly absent from the blogging scene this year. I haven't uploaded a post since Halloween and although I've had lots of ideas and a whole lot of intention the content just hasn't come.

For the last few months I have been running a company, working a second job, trying to keep up with my family and friends and you know... living my life, which means blogging has taken a back seat. (I'm not sure how many times it is now that I've written that sentence.... but it's definitely more than a few.)

Not only do I struggle for time when it comes to blogging but, if I'm being honest, motivation. 
Since starting 'A Yellow Brick Blog' (AlohaKirstie's previous name) in 2013 the blogging world has taken a huge leap in terms of content, quality and overall uploads and over the past 18 months I have really felt like I've been left behind. Girls in which I started this journey with are killing it with insane photography, brand deals and general amazingness and I could not be prouder to have seen them grow and shine - I know firsthand how much they deserve it all. But for me I feel like I've faded into the background of the blogging world, with my content being amateur and weak compared to even brand new bloggers.

I always will be forever grateful for every single person that still clicks on this site, follows me on social media and generally is a babe towards me, but lately I feel like I've been letting those people down with my shoddy attempts at blogging and I need to remember WHY I started this in the first place. An outlet for myself to share things I love, share advice and basically just have a little Kirstie platform to hold dear to my heart. 

So in 2018 I'm hoping to be BACK, maybe with a new look, a new vibe - but I really want to be that blogger I was in 2013/14/15 creating fun content that I love, sharing products, places and things I want to share and just enjoying my work!
So fingers crossed here's to an exciting new blogging venture in the new year....

Please do share in the comments anything you'd love me to include here on AlohaKirstie or maybe posts you've enjoyed in the past. 

Where to find me in the meantime:
Twitter: @AlohaKirstie
Instagram: @AlohaKirstie
Facebook: /AlohaKirstie

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