Tuesday 8 March 2016

50 Random Facts About Me

1. I am 26 years old.

2. I have lived on the Isle Of Wight my whole life.

3. I started this blog properly in 2013 after a good few failed attempts. (yes all that old stuff has been deleted, don't go looking for it!)

4. One of my life long dreams is to own a french bulldog. (And call him Ron #weasley)

5. I kind of love Disney... A lot. It just makes me happy whatever shape or form it is in.

6. In 2012 I travelled around the USA with my best friend we went to : New York, Washington DC, LA, San Fran, Vegas, Florida and back to New York. It was the greatest expierence of my life.

7. Khloe Kardashian once tweeted me. I like to think we are life long friends now. 

8. I currently so obsessed with Total Divas and wish I had trained to be a WWE wrestler - no joke. 

9. Pyjamas are my favourite thing to wear. Comfort is key. 

10. I still get excited about going to Primark. The novelty will never wear off. 

11. My mum, dad,  brother & I's names all begin with a K or a C. 

12. In July I would have been with my boyfriend for 9 years.

13. I bloody LOVE Harry Potter.

14. I wish everyday that I was in Orlando. Disneyworld and Universal make me happy.

15. The Help is one of my favourite films ever.

16. My dream holiday is Hawaii. I pray that one day I can afford to go!

17. My high school friendship group are still my best friends EVER! (We are called the ®™ but never tell anyone why 😂) 

18. I am obsessed with musicals and always have been. My dream job would be to be in one. (if only I could sing!)

19. I used to go to Ballroom & Latin , line dancing, cheerleading and god knows what else lessons ..... I was one of those kids. 4 hours on a Saturday morning dedicated to prancing around - I'm always sad I gave up, I loved it. I sooo could have been on Strictly ya know lol! 

20. I used to say my feet were my best feature because I didn't like anything about myself.... I realise now... I have shit feet.

21. I have no boundaries when it comes to chocolate - I could eat three huge bars and still want more, I'm paranoid I will have a diabetes when I'm older.

22. Violet, Mollie, Aria, Luna and Dakota are on my baby name list. 

23. I am petrified of the movie The Witches - I still can't watch it now, I find it terrifying. How it is a children's movie I will never know. 

24. Buffy The Vampire Slayer is my favourite TV Show of all time. I have watched every single episode countless times and will never, ever get bored of it.

25. I suffer from anxiety, but it's only been the last year or so that I've started talking openly to people about it. Before I didn't really understand how I felt and thought I was a little crazy. #reallife

26. I live 3 minutes away from a beach but can't remember the last time I went in the sea.

27.  I live one street away from my parents - I don't think I could ever live too far away from them. (Such island mentality)

28. One of my favourite things to do is go the cinema. Popcorn and a good movie on a huge screen = heaven. 

29. I've never, ever popped a spot.

30. I have a teddy called Yellow Dog. He is a yellow dog and my mum bought him for me before I was even born.

31. Shay Carl Butler is one of the greatest idols. He literally is my hero.

32. I love reading and I wish I made more time for it - damn you Internet! (Although I have got better this year!)

33. My favourite Disney song is Belle (Little Town) from Beauty & The Beast.

34. Snakes are my biggest fear. I can't even bare to look at photos of them.

35. I really want a tattoo and I think I've bored everyone I know to tears since I was 18 talking about getting one. (I still haven't - this year is the year!)

36. When I was 3 my birthday cakes were in the Rosie & Jim magazine - it was one of the highlights of my childhood. 

37. My Dad once told me that those green conker shells were baby hedgehogs and I took some home and feed them leafs and gave them milk. I was 4. #topparentbants #neverforgivenhim

38. I once was named a Carnival Queen but had a brat attack and refused to do it because it was too embarrassing. My Mum and Dad will never let me live it down. #PoppyPrincess

39.  I loved The Queen's Nose so much as a kid that I got a Hamster and name him Monty because Harmony had got a hamster and named him Monty!

40. Harmony is also going on my baby name lift.

41. At the age of 12 I was crazy obsessed with Gareth Gates and had a room full of posters and collected literally anything to do with him. #spiritinthesky 

42. Defying Gravity is one of my favourite songs ever. 

43. Rock Challenge was the greatest experience ever. I did it for 5 years and made the best friends and memories I could have ever made at high school. Our Jack The Ripper piece was da bomb, we missed out on first place in the final by half a point and it still annoys me now. 

44. In 2011 I lost 2 stone in 2 months.

45. Random loud noises for no reason make me so angry. 

46. I finally have a job that I LOVE and I feel so grateful.

47. I cannot eat onions or drink fruit juice - they make me SO ill.

48. I am a crazy Taylor Swift fan girl.

49. I've had Twitter for 7 years. Yup, I totes got it first. #2009 

50. I could drink green tea and eat biscuits all.day.long. ( personal favs.... Bourbons, chocolate chip hobnobs and if we're going up market... Oat and raisin cookies) 



  1. I really enjoyed reading this! I also love harry potter and constantly live in my pyjamas!! Number 37 made me laugh so much hahaha!

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  2. im a massive disney fan too and I LOVED dancing when I was a kid.
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  3. It was weird reading this thinking how similar it sounded to me!!! Haha xx

  4. Fellow Total Divas obsessive! I wish I could train to be a wrestler! :) you also love musicals, Harry Potter and Taylor Swift! We need to be best friends :D x


  5. I really enjoyed reading this post. I'm a huge Disney fan too. I've never traveled abroad but think I may have to now ☺ x
    Sharon from rosieloveslife.blogspot.com

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