Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Best Mood-Boosting Breakfast Smoothie

Since swapping my diet up to a paleo-based lifestyle I have had the same thing for breakfast every single morning. Yes, I may be a creature of habit but it's just.so.good. I'm not bore yet!
And as I can't keep GREAT things away from you all, today I am, of course, sharing my favourite everyday breakfast smoothie recipe! If you're a sweet/chocolate lover... this is one for you.

 - Nutribullet
- Measuring scoop/Tablespoon
- Ice Cubes
- Water
- 2 x bananas (depending on size)
- 10-20g Protein Powder (Any... I have a Vanilla Vegan powder)
- 1 tsp Honey
- 1 tbsp Cinnamon
- 10-20g Cacao Powder 

First thing's first I pop in a big handful or two of ice cubes to the largest nutribullet cup and level with cold water.
I then break up my bananas into pieces and add to the cup, followed by my protein powder. I usually use the scoop that comes with the protein as I know that's 10g, but you can use a tablespoon if you don't have one!
I add a large heaped scoop of protein powder (Vanilla/Salted Caramel) and then add the honey (one big squeeze from the bottle) and cinnamon (around 1 teaspoon full).

Last but not least my number one favourite ingredient - cacao powder. I usually add about the same amount of the protein... but sometimes add a little bit extra because I love the chocolatey taste it gives so much!
Top Tip : I buy cacao powder from Aldi as it's SO much cheaper than other places.
Then it's just time to pop on the nutribullet and blend it all together - this doesn't take longer than 20 seconds or so. I drink it straight from the nutribullet cup with a straw to save on the washing up..... this photo is all for show #bloggertruth!

Taste & Benefits
Voila - you have yourself a cold chocolatey banana breakfast! 
Honestly this tastes so, so good and I can't imagine ever making a different breakfast smoothie because I love this one so much.
The bananas are of course a portion or two of your 'five a day' whilst being a fantastic source of natural carbohydrate which (hopefully) gets my brain working! The protein is in there to help me stay fuller for longer and the cacao powder is actually a natural mood-booster.... and I can 100% confirm this works! I always feel a little brighter once I've had this in the morning, plus it really does keep me full. Between breakfast and lunch I may have a piece of fruit like an apple but not always!

Of course I'm no dietitian or nutritionist, this is just what I like to eat and what works for me :)

Let me know if you try this recipe out and what you think!

Want to chat or see more? Find me below :

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  1. Wishing most recipes didnt include bananas as I am not a fan!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. I absolutely hate bananas but this sounds fab otherwise! I've been more and more interested in making vegan changes in my diet!

    Abi | abistreetx

  3. Ooooo I wish I had enough time for a smoothie in the morning because this looks lush!

    Beth x


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