Monday, 28 September 2015

Blogging Behind The Scenes : How I Make My Collages

This is a question I have been asked so many times over the last couple of years - 'how do you make those collages?"
I'm talking about my wishlists, my 'I'm Loving' posts, my 'Dress Like Disney' posts etc etc. It's always kind of hard to explain over Twitter or on Facebook so I thought what better than to do a quick and easy 'How To' blog post for you all!

First up I use (my ultimate blogging weapon!). 
These posts normally don't take me too long as most of the time I get all my content prepped before I start making the collage itself.
I head to PicMonkey and to get started I click edit, choose computer and find a previous collage I have done or a good sized photo.
Once the picture had uploaded I then go straight to 'Canvas Colour' and change it to plain white (colour code ffffff) to give me a fresh base to work on.
Once this is done I click the butterfly symbol tab on the side bar which is for overlays (pictures) and then go to the top option which is 'Your Own'.
Previous to this I normally have found all the pictures that I want to be included in the collage. Depending on what sort of post I am doing depends on where I get the pictures from but I near enough always go for a picture with a plain white background as it is easier to work with and well.... they look better!
I find the picture I want online (e.g. Stitch cushion) and save it to my computer.

Once I've found the image I want when I've clicked on 'Your Own' overlay I just double click and upload it to the picture.

I carry on doing this with all my pictures for the collage and then it's time for the fun part - to re-size, organise and make them into a pretty collage.
This part is normally pretty straight forward, sometimes I just need to eraser bits here and there if photos are laying on top of each other/blocking each other.
For this all I do is click on the photo in question and choose 'Eraser' - I usually whack my eraser size up to fairly large to make things quicker and  I just get rid of that white background from the picture that I don't need or that is in the way!
Another way I get around photos blocking each other is sending them to the front or back, which is when I send the photo chosen to be bought forward and lay on top of another photo or to be send behind.
After all the fiddling around and once I'm happy with the finished result I click combine all making the collage into one solid picture.
It's then time to save! I just hit the save button at the top which then gives you options as to how you would like to save your photo.
 ALWAYS save in PNG form, this ensures that the backdrop to your photo is bright white when uploading it to your blog, normally if you save it in JPG form it is a little grey and doesn't look as good.
And..... TA DA! Here's the finished project! (Everything pictured from the Disney Store UK)

I hope you guys found this helpful, let me know in the comments below and let me know if you'd like anymore 'How To' posts!

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  1. I should so totally start doing this, i always take up so much space with my pictures.

  2. This is so helpful! I've been hoping someone would write this but haven't wanted to ask. I've been trying to do it with Canva, but it doesn't seem to be the best thing for this purpose. Off to play with Picmonkey! x

  3. Looks great hun thanks for sharing! I also use its similar to picmonkey :)

  4. Great post! I use Pic Monkey but I've been doing it on the collage tool, this looks a lot better!
    Pretty Mad Things // xo

  5. This is soo helpful. I was using polyvore to do this and you lose a lot of quality with it.
    Great tip with the png format too, thanks for much :)
    Gillian  xx  EyelinerFlicks

  6. really nice post!
    Cary |

  7. I love picmonkey it's so handy for design and collages I think! xx


  8. Thanks for sharing this with everyone! I cannot wait to shift over to picmonkey and create my collages on there <3

  9. I've just started blogging and I've really been struggling to make a good collage. Thanks for the tips, super excited to give Picmonkey a try :) x

  10. I used to make loads of collages, need to make some more with this little gem!! Xx thanks for sharing, was so helpful xx Check out my latest post at xx followers are welcomed X

  11. I was just looking around for the best way to make collages and this was really helpful! I'll definitely be trying picmonkey. Thanks!

    Hustle & Whoa

  12. This was so helpful - I used to make my collages through Polyvore which just wasn't great! I'm glad I know how to do it the proper way now:)

    Lucy |

    1. thanks Kirstie this has help me with my blog picture now you are a star how do you edit your video can you do a post on that one day too xx

  13. Your collages always look amazing!

  14. This is SO useful, thank you for sharing. I've been looking for another way to create collages without Photoshop for a while.

    Gemma x

  15. Love this! I know so many people who use Pic Monkey. I really need to start using it myself. :)

  16. This is so helpful! I've been using pages on my MacBook for ages which works but this is so less fiddly. This would be an awesome series to have on you blog as well :) xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  17. So helpful 💕


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  19. I loved this post it's so helpful, Thankyou xx

  20. Thank goodness, someone had finally share on how to make one of this. This is really helpful, thank you.
    Love, Fads

  21. Thank you so much for this post, has been a huge help :)
    Thank you.
    Clem x

  22. للحصول علي خدمة نظافة جيدة تاكد انك تتعامل مع شركة تنظيف بالرياضلديها باع طويل في مجال النظافة العامة فتعاملك مع شركة متميزة فانك ستحصل علي اد اء متميزة فشركات النظافة عديدة فمثلا عندما تبحث عن شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياضستلاقيي شركة ركن البيت التي تمتلك امكانيات جيدة في اداء الخدمات المنزلية الجيدة بادوات حديثة ومواد مستوردة تقوم باستعمالها فمعك ايضا شركة تنظيف خزانات بالرياضاتي تقوم باداء جيدة لتسليمك خزان تمتلك به مياه نظيفة خالية من الرواسب والبكتريا كما سنمدك باعمال شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياضالتي تعطيك كل الامكانيات في امتلاك مسبح نظيف يحافظ علي اسرتك واطفالك بدون وجود اي اوساخ به ونقدم لكم الخدمة الخاصة بالمنازل والبيوت الصغيرة من خلال البحث عن شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياضالتي تستطيع ان تحل لك كل مشاكل التنظيف المنزلي المتعبة التي تعاني منها واليكم خدمة القضاء علي الحشرات بواسطة مبيدات عالية الجودة تقوم بالقضاء علي جميع الحشرات الصغيرة والكبيرة بواسطة شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض


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