Wednesday 20 September 2017

My Autumn TV Picks

Autumn is probably the greatest time of year for TV. New pilots are launched, seasons return... and we generally want to stay in and cuddle up more because it's raining once again and a bit bloomin' chilly!

I, for one, am a huge TV buff. I always have been and I'm really excited that I have been able to team up with Panasonic and their brand new Panasonic HDR 4K TV for this post*! 
Being a huge TV nerd I'm all about the biggest screens and latest technologies and this latest treat from Panasonic is designed to deliver picture quality accurate to the filmmaker's original vision. Making the picture, sound and overall experience something totally immersive and pretty spectacular!

Like most of you I'm sure I have my series' that I watch religiously and although I still miss the likes of Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, 90210, The Vampire Diaries, The Following and Revenge .... to name a few - there are always shows I'm dying to watch and waiting for new episodes of! (Thank god for the record series button on my TV!)

I always see people on Twitter asking for shows to watch and recommendations, and I do the same when at a loss, so I thought what better way than to share with you my go-to shows for this season - ones I have on record, ones I'm bingeing and ones I'm desperately waiting to come back with their new season!

Please please please make sure to leave any recommendations in the comments below, I'm always on the look out for new things to BINGE and get my teeth into

Doctor Foster Season 2
Holy s***balls. This show is literally my favourite at the moment (I'm probably going to say this more than once during this post by the way...)
I actually stumbled across season one on Netflix about a month ago and watched the whole season in a day... don't judge me. This was just in time for the start of season two on BBC which we are now three episodes into! The acting in this is superb and I am constantly on the edge of my seat thinking... wtf is happening! I highly recommend you get a cup of tea, a a blanket and some snacks and binge watch this asap.
Where to find : 
Season 1 - Netflix / Season 2 - BBC iPlayer & BBC1 Tuesdays 9pm

Another drama to keep you on the edge. Liar. 
This is only two episodes in so you have plenty of time to catch up before the next episode hits on Monday! Liar is the story of a possible rape. Possible because someone is lying. Did he do it? Is she lying? Is there a bigger twist? I literally can't wait to see what happens in this.... I think there's a much bigger story behind it all!
Where to find : ITV Player / ITV1 Mondays 9pm

Total Bellas Season 2 
YASSSS - we all know I am a gigantic Total Divas fan and with Nikki Bella being my ultimate girl crush, Total Bellas is my number on guilty pleasure on a Sunday evening. I have been so excited for the return of this in my life and so far I have been hooked. The Bellas are my favourite and Total Divas/Total Bellas a re by far my favourite reality shows! (If you've not watched either before... do it!)
Where to find : E! Sundays 6pm

Life Of Kylie
Now I was very late to the party with this one. I actually only started watching this about two weeks ago, but I'm hooked! It's so nice to see a different part to Kylie and I actually find her really funny, plus the episodes are only 30 mins so a real easy watch!
Where to find : E! Catch up / E! Sunday 9pm

How To Get Away With Murder Season 4 I love this show so much. I have watched HTGAWM since the very first episode aired back in 2014 and I have been hooked ever since. Mystery, twists and some incredible acting - this is THE show you need to start watching if you haven't get delved into the word of Annalise Keating.
Where to find : Seasons 1-2 Netflix / Season 3 Sky Living / Season 4 starting late September

Modern Family Season 9
The funniest show on TV in my opinion, I recommend this show to literally everyone I meet. I cannot believe we are about to start season 9!!! I can't wait for some more Phil Dunphey one-liners in my life.
Where to find : Seasons 1-8 NowTV (I think!) / Season 9 starts late September

Stranger Things Season 2 
I think everyone, their mum, their dog-walker and their dentist are waiting for this to come back. I can remember ST announcing that season 2 would be 'Halloween 2017' and that seemed like FOREVER, but this year has flown by and we are already approaching the release. My boyfriend and I plan to re-watch season 1 again this month to prepare ourselves and refresh our memories.
If you haven't seen season 1 yet.... where have you been?
Where to find : Netflix

Black Mirror Season 4 
One of the most clever TV shows ever is coming back and I am SO ready. Black Mirror is another show I literally force people to watch. Each episode is completely different, like a mini movie - so it doesn't ever matter what order you watch them in or if you don't watch them all! Some of VERY hard-hitting and will have you screaming what the f*** and keep you thinking for hours after.
My favourite episodes so far include.... The Entire History Of You, White Bear, White Christmas, Nosedive, Playtest, Shut Up and Dance, San Junipero and Hated In The Nation.
Where to find : Netflix

Riverdale Season 2 
There got to be a teenage drama in there somewhere hasn't there? I don't think I'll ever grow out of the teenage/high school dramas to be honest. I LOVED Riverdale season one, loads of great twists and fab acting. I can't wait for season two to start next month - are any of you fans aswell?
Where to find : Netflix

I hope you've found some possible new shows to keep you entertained this Autumn - like I said before please share any of your favourites not mentioned in the comments below.... and if you are also watching the shows above please tweet me and discuss... I LOVE a good TV chat on Twitter, let's talk theories/favourites/twists! >>> @AlohaKirstie

* This is a sponsored post


  1. I can't wait for Stranger Things to come back, season 1 was so good!

    Sara - Flemingo

    1. Same! I feel like we've been waiting for so long! x

  2. I must catch up with Modern Family! I love that show!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. I'm currently sat having a massive MF marathon - never gets old! x

  3. Hahaha I'll be honest and say our TV tastes are very different - but how about The Apprentice?

    1. I cannot believe I forgot The Apprentice!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE that show so much!


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