Wednesday 17 July 2013

SAVE YOUR SKIN - ARK Skin Protector Primer

It is HOT isn't it? The UK is getting it good this summer and although I am at work alot of the time as soon as I get the chance I love to hit the beach, get out and get some good old fashioned Vitamin D. Now there are a few things I do like to moan about with this hot weather and I don't mean the lack of deodorant and crap tattoos on display from some people.
I HATE melting and smudged make-up and worst of all - sunburn.
Queue  - ARK skincare. 
I am one of those idiots that everytime I go out into the sun I magical "forget" that I do catch the sun quickly and tend to burn before I tan.
The worst place to get burnt I think is your face, any sunburn feels horrible but your face just feels down right awful and not only that but you are prematurely ageing your skin, tut tut! 

ARK are an amazing age aware skincare company who focus on everyone at every age  - your fabulous teens, when you're old and grey and all that is inbetween!
Normally I think to myself  "I'm only 23 I don't need that yet" but... time is ticking people, if I don't look after myself now when will I?

The product I've tried from them is the ARK anti-ageing skin protector primer with SPF30. 
As soon as I received the product I was impressed, wrapped and packaged so beautifully you can tell someone put alot of time into making it look nice (Thank you Charlie!).
 That is something I like about certain companies - they are willing to put an effort into the appearance of your parcel even though you may just rip it open when you get it.

When you first pump the product out it literally looks like full-blown suncream which had me a bit skeptical.
 I was worried I would be a major shiny face (not a good look) BUT it turns out once it's being rubbed in it quickly turns clear and suddenly - it feels like a primer. 
All you need is just ONE pump, I find that is more than plenty to cover your face and neck areas easily and evenly.
I am really loving this product, I've been using it for about a week now and really love the feel it has. 
The scent is amazing, with Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Jojoba being just a few of the ingredients what do you expect eh?! Plus, not only does it protect my skin with its SPF30, it is a fantastic base for my make-up!
The SPF 30 for me is an amazing factor with this product, knowing my face is fully protected before I've even put my make-up on makes me feel alot better about being out in the sun for most of the day and it feels so much nicer than a thick and creamy suncream.

The product is a little pricey at £36 for a 30ml bottle, yes, but for an amazing primer and a protective cream I think it is worth it (it's about £20-£30 for a decent higher end primer now anyway!) and using only one pump a day will insure that it will last months.

The finish it has is just perfect for me and I would happily wear it with or without make-up. It makes a perfect base for my foundation but it also leaves my skin feeling smooth and with a slight glow (that isn't shiny) about it even if I go make-up less.

Check out the primer and all of ARK's other products they have to offer HERE. 
Love ARK? Want to get involved with the ARK angels?
Check this out -

(***Disclaimer : This prodyct was kindly sent to me by the lovely people at ARK skincare.  All thoughts, opinions and ideas are always my own and I would never include an item or product on A Yellow Brick Blog that I didn't truly believe in.)



  1. Lovely post! I'd never heard of this but you make it sound fab.

    Love your photo's aswell!


    1. Thank you so much, really glad you liked it :) xxx

  2. Great review.
    ARK is a company I've heard of but never tried or bought anything from, even though I've heard nothing but good reviews.
    Your right that suncream is always something I forget to use, however I've recently been wearing tge Olay CC Cream and that has SPF in it and it has been working. :)

    1. ahhh that sounds perfect, I really want to get a CC cream!! xxx

  3. Very tempting! I too forget to put any kind of protection on my face a lot of the time, such a skincare error!

    I just love the way you do your photos :)


    1. Yeah I do all the time!

      Thank you so much that means alot :) xxx


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