Monday 30 June 2014

Montagne Jeunesse Hot Spring Sauna Face Mask

Yes.... my face has experienced yet another face mask that I must hare with you all! 
You may remember in a recent boots haul post I showed 4 of the Montagne Jeunesse face masks that I had grabbed while they were on offer!
 Well I treated myself to one of them this week and thought I would pop up a review for you guys!
Now I had never ever tried a self-heating mask before this, as I had always been a bit worried by skin would react (I had one nasty face mask disaster once and it's made me forever weary of such things!) - but I was home for the whole day so thought even if there was some form of disaster I could hide away and wait for it to go down...... anyway saying all that - my skin was fine!

I cleansed my face and opened up the sachet ready to be amazed by it's volcanicness (yes that's a word now!)
This stuff is made with volcanic spring powder and chopped ginger .... so if you aren't a fan of the ginger scent then this is not the on for you! Personally, I love the smell! 
With it's exfoliating bamboo I slowly massaged the product evenly over my face and left it for 10 minutes!
 The heating was strange - it really did heat up and for a second I was a little nervous but it was fine! The warming helps to open up your pores for a nice deep clean and you can really feel it working!
After 10 minutes I rinsed off the mask, which is fairly abrasive I will worn you - so if you have really sensitive skin this may not be for you, but I found it okay! 

Afterwards my skin felt so smooth and soft, it literally felt like all the dead skin and cells had been completely wiped away and I was left with a sparkling fresh face!
For only £1 this is definitely worth the pennies for a fab weekly/fortnightly pamper!

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  1. THESE MASKS ARE AMAZING! Great post beautifulll.

  2. I've seen this around but never tried a heating face mask before! Next time I see it I'll have to buy it - so cheap too! x

    Angela | The Sunday Chapter

  3. I love self heating masks, it does wonders for my skin.

    Gaby x

  4. I am a huge fan of self-heating masks, though some of them do get very warm quite quickly x
    Beautyqueenuk xx

  5. This sounds amazing (: I haven't tried a self heating mask for so long, may have to pick this one up soon (: xx

  6. I seriously these masks and I use them when I want to switch it up a bit from my Origins masks!



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