Saturday 21 June 2014

POTW #19 : Nip + Fab Yoga Blend Body Scrub

Scrubs are so essential to me when it comes to summer! Everyone wants soft, fresh skin especially when it comes to getting that all important tan and I am no different!
I have started prepping my body for sun worshipping lately.... Not that I know when I'm going to be able to do this apart from my holiday in September but like my old teacher always used to say "fail to prepare and prepare to fail!"

So I've been using all sort of products, potions and tools to try and get my body/skin/feet/face ready for the sunshine and this product in particular has been a major favourite of mine

This is the Yoga Blend Body Scrub* from Nip + Fab, a brand which I have been trying out a few products from recently! 
This has been sat in my shower for the past week and I have been loving it! 
Normally I tend to avoid products with lavender as one of the main ingredients, as I used to hate it as a kid - but funnily enough now I've grown up a little the smell is slightly more bareable to me and I actually really love this!
Coconut & Rose aswell ... yum! 
This stuff says it is to help you unwind and de-stress - I can confirm... it works!

The scent is so relaxing and calming - perfect for both morning and evening showers! The scrub isn't overly harsh and abrasive but it definitely does the job, leaving my skin soft and a lot smoother than before.
This has been great for the annoying bumps on the backs of my arms - especially with the hot weather and wearing less clothing!
This is a new favourite of mine and am sooo happy I've found it at the beginning of summer so my skin is all snazzy for the hot months and my holiday!!

Nip + Fab I'm giving you a high five here for this one - good job!
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  1. looks like great product, have always been tempted buy this brand, but haven't committed yet, Great post.

    Gaby x

  2. I know the feeling about the lavender being an overpowering smell thing, I like it now as well but only in small doses, if it is too strong I get a headache.. :/

  3. This looks lovely, it's nice that it isn't too abrasive xx



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