Thursday 12 June 2014

The 3 Minute, 3 Product Make-up Challenge With Fragrance Direct

Recently I was set a challenge by the lovely people over at Fragrance Direct.
A 3 minute make-up challenge. 
Now being a girl who has worn make-up for over 10 years now and who has her morning routine down, I thought this would be easy peasy lemon squeezy..... until they told me I could only use THREE PRODUCTS - now that is a challenge!
I spend a long time on the fragrance direct site, browsing through and having a good long think at how I could get a good full face of make-up with just 3 products that I could apply in just 3 short minutes.... that's only 180 seconds to go from drab to fab!
So the challenge was fully accepted and I choose the following 3 products....
So products in hand I sat down with my iPhone stopwatch next to me and started the challenge. (Obviously I had cleansed and moisturised my skin before starting) 

Minute 1 : I started by dotting some of the foundation under my eyes and blending to try and conceal my dark circles. I then proceeded to apply the whipped creme foundation to the whole of my face and blend in until it was even!

Minute 2 : I had noticed that the lip product says to leave 60 seconds between each step (the colour , then the balm) so I popped this on now to left to dry! I then grab the Define-a-lash mascara, which I had choose in brown, and started on my eyebows! This mascara turned out to be fab for darkening my brows and filling them! After this I started on my lashes! I managed to do one eye and then minute 3 kicked in.......

Minute 3 : With one minute to go I finished off my eyelashes, I have really short lashes so I normlly spend alot of time trying to lengthen and curl! Once my lashes were done I grabbed the pink lipgloss again and dotted it on my cheeks for a splash of colour, I blended it in and surprising made a great blusher!
It was then time up - my face was done in just 3 minute with 3 products... what do you think?
This has definitely shown me that I don't always need as many products as I normally use (aka alot)! I love using products for multiple uses and I feel like the 3 products I choose actually worked really well together and I managed to complete an acceptable look with just the 3 of them!

A huge thank you to Fragrance Direct for challenging me - it was slightly harder than I imagined it but I'm happy with how the end result turned out and proud that I managed to do my make-up with just 3 products.... it's a first!!
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  1. It turned out great! I wish I was capable of finding and using three items to make a flawless "3-minute masterpiece!" Loved this post, love your blog :) Keep up the great work!

  2. You look great no way I could get a good luck in 3 minutes!

  3. This looks great! Really impressive for a 3 minute look :) xx

    Little Miss Katy | Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty

  4. that turned out really well for a 3 minute look, you wouldn't think looking you that it was 3 minutes!

    Catherine x

  5. wow the makeup turned out really well thinking of the challenge given!
    Love your idea of using brown mascara as an eyebrow product - so creative!
    xx Ann-Kathrin

  6. Ooh wow, you did so well! I could never manage this, and you still look stunning!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  7. You look fab! It's definitely inspired me to try and use fewer products day-to-day; with a toddler to look after it would probably help!

    Helen x

  8. You did amazing, I'd never have guessed you did this in 3 minutes. You look gorgeous, your natural beauty is obviously showing through with little makeup :)

    Belle x Part of Belle's world


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