Thursday 4 September 2014

Kirstie's Movie Recommendations #3

Time for some more Movie Recommendations today ladies and gents! I'm such a movie lover and I love sharing with you guys my favs and hearing what movie's are up there as yours!
To catch up with post #1 click here and to catch up with post #2 click here.

Look Who's Talking
One of my favourite movie's of all time. I remember my parent's had recorded this off the TV onto video and on it it said (For Kirstie)... I was named after Kirstie Alley so I think they thought it was a must for me to see this film! I am still to this day as obsessed as I was then, the chemistry between Kirstie Alley and John Travolta is amazing, it was only the other day I watched Look Who's Talking Too, they make me laugh out loud, if you haven't seen them before then get on it!

Just Go With It
Probably my favourite Adam Sandler film ever, this is a movie I can watch over and over and not get bored of at all! Prepare to get a major girl crush on Brooklyn Decker and lol your pants off at the kids - I love Baliee Madison, she is such a good little actress!
Adam Sandler has pretend he was married to his assistant (Jen An) in order to pull off his random lie of a backstory he gave to his new girlfriend about his life!

The Lorax
This is a movie I saw for the first time when I went travelling in the US. I'm such a huge Dr. Seuss fan, his words and books always make me smile and there really is the best advice and thoughts behind his work! With Taylor Swift & Zac Efron as voices and some amazing songs to sing along to this is one of my favourite animated movies!  

Yes I'm a musical whore and this movie is amazeballs. Murder, Prison, Lies and amazing amazing singing and dancing - I remember going to the cinema with my parents to see this and falling in love with everything about it! The cell block tango and we both reached for the gun have got to be the best songs!

The Other Guys
 I'm not the biggest Anchorman fan (#sorrynotsorry).... but this - this is a genius movie from Will Farrell! The humour in this is right up my street, I never like to write too much about the plot in these recommendations - so just go and watch the trailer on youtube!
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  1. Looks whos talking is such a great nostaligic film i forgot all about it, same goes for chicago!! Need to whip out some oldies xxx

    Blonde of carbs

  2. Love this! Just Go With It was such a funny movie! Love Adam Sandler!
    I just started following you!


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