Friday 26 September 2014

POTW #33 : Bleach London Swamp Spritz

It's Friday people, which means another POTW (Product Of The Wee!) for you all! I'm still in Florida - I know lucky right? - so with the mix of sun, pools, water parks and getting wind swept on my hair hasn't exactly been the sleek, polished, styled look I like!
BUT I've taken the beachy messy look in my stride and I've been using a certain product to help me tame it!

Bleach London are a brand I've lusted over for months now, their beautiful colours are something dreams are made of but unfortunately for me my job won't let me dye my locks! (boooo!)
I've tried a couple of sea salts over the last couple of years and never been that overly excited or Impressed by them. But, after reading some glowing reviews on this product I decided to give it a go!

The bottle is in a cool spray bottle and comes with two settings, spray and stream! I have been using the spray option whilst on holiday and the results have been great!
Using the spray setting is easy and covers your hair I'm just a few seconds, the amount of product that comes out is insane, the biggest cloud of mist ever! I love the smell too, a lot of people say it's too strong but I don't get that at all!

I've been using this mostly when I've just washed my hair and am waiting for it to air dry or after Ive had plaits I'm to help keep the waves! This is the perfect product for holidays especially when I find I wash my hair a lot more than usual due to the heat, pools and water 

For £6 this isn't the cheapest sea salt spray out but it's definitely the best I've used, it doesn't leave my hair half as crusty or stiff as others I've tried! 

Have any of you guys tried this? Let me know what you thought! 

Sorry for the short post today guys but I'm sure you can imagine I am super busy making the most of my time here I'm the US! I promise normal blogging will commence again soon, love you all, Kirstie xxxx



  1. I've never tried it: enjoy your time in the US :D

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  2. I've seen this a few times before and thought it looked interesting. I'm definitely gonna have to get it now!

  3. This sounds great I hate the ones that leave your hair so stiff xxx

  4. Ahh! I've just learned something. I love Bleach too. I've been using this spray for a few weeks too but I was not impressed by it. I didn't know there was two setting options, up until now mine was set so that it shoots small drops of product that feel like spit, haha. I thought it made my hair greasy and didn't see much of a difference! I'm gonna have to try the spray setting. Pretty sure it's not gonna be the same for my hair! Thanks for that review and making me learn something! :-D x

  5. I've wished I could go some of the Bleach beautiful pastels for ages but alas, work won't let me either! It's such a shame. This looks like a good product too and I have had my eye on it so maybe I'll grab one for my next holiday! xx


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