Tuesday 21 April 2015

My Favourite Photography Apps

My iPhone is like an extra limb, as sad as that is - it's true. I don't think there's a moment in my daily routine where I dont know where it is.
I've had an iPhone for the past 4 or 5 years and throughout this time I've tried, bought and downloaded my fair share of apps! Some are keepers, some are pants and some I just don't even understand how to use!
After all this time I have definitely found my favourites, so today I thought I would share with you my favourite apps for photos!
Social = Instagram Free
This is an obvious one so I will put it first as I'm sure you've probably all already got it. I love Instagram, I've had it nearly as long as I've had an iPhone after seeing iJustine talk about it when it had just been released! It's fab for scrolling through when your bored and it's even become a job to some people now, which is awesome! My favourite filters have got to be Hudson and Valencia, although recently I've been more about just editing the photo and not adding filters at all! My username is : KirstieLouiseS and you can see my favourite accounts to follow - here.

Collage/multiple photos = Diptic 79p
There are some times where we need more than photo together - before and afters, a collage for a friends birthday, a group of holiday photos together or maybe you just want to have your selfie mirrored... this is the best for that! I do begrudge paying for apps.... as there are so many free ones.... but this has definitely been worth the pennies I paid years ago, I use it all the time!

Editing = Afterlight 79p
This is the newest in my collection and I bought it after seeing Megan (www.thumbelinalillie.com) talking about it! I always wanted to know how to make my photos brighter, lighter and a little bit prettier.... you know what I mean .... this does the trick and so much more! I love the amount of different filters and edits that are available, my favourite has to be Magnolia, I sometimes actually use this before popping a photo onto Instagram.. sneaky sneaky!

Helpful = Whiteagram Free
Ever wanted to add a photo to Instagram but it's totally ruined by making it into a square? Fear no more - this is the how to get the whole of your photo in! Wahoooo I hear you cry! This is perfect for outfit shots, sharing snazzy blog photos or maybe even your holiday snaps! This is so, so handy.

What are you fav photo apps?

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've never heard of whitegram before, I'll have to check that one out xx

    Ioanna | Hearting.co.uk

  3. Great post :-) I think I might check those out!!


  4. After light is a god send.

  5. The Afterlight one looks amazing i think i may need to purchase! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

  6. I love all of these :) I also love Pic FX for editing selfies and scenery pictures! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  7. I have ALWAYS wanted to know how people do those collage photos! Think there was an instacollage app or something at one stage ... but bahh, technology has escaped me at the moment! Fab post; love learning about new apps.



  8. I dont use any photo apps and Im not sure what ones i can get for my nokia lumia.


  9. I really like after light. I use a couple of others too, might have to do a similar post and share!


  10. These are great reviews of these apps and things.

    Lizzie Dripping

  11. I do love Afterlight, the best 69p I've spend!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  12. These are some awesome apps and I think I need after light.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  13. I use Instasize because I love a freebie! It does collages and white boarders. Glad I know about these ones too now.

    Row Bow
    What Row Chose...

  14. I adore Whitagram and Afterlight, they're two of my most used photo apps. I also love instagram like everyone else!

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  15. Diptic is a nice tool for instagram photos. This app gives you the ability to crop a few images and create a collage of these simple, intuitive way for the user. When editing, you can flip, rotate the picture, make little changes (eg, exposure and contrast) of each photo. If you prefer PC editors http://besthdrsoftwaremac.com/hdr-software/ here it is

  16. Cameras are in no short supply yet the same can't be said in regards to picture takers. Turning into an adroit picture taker takes a considerable amount of practice and participation of photography workshops in addition to joining to different photography programs.istockphoto promo


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