Thursday 9 April 2015

My 'Me' Project

Writers block has hit me hard lately, so I'd like to apologise first and foremost for the reduced amount of posts on here.
  I have so many products I want to talk about and so many post ideas lined up in my brain but I can't seem to muster up the words to type - it's very frustrating but I'm hoping to shake it off asap.
In the meantime I've decided to write a post from the heart... you know one of those personal ones with all the feels, not like me but maybe it will help with my writers block?

Recently I've been thinking alot about my life. Work life, my health, my future and I've come to the overwhelming conclusion that I may be having a quarter life crisis!

I've been a bit down in the dumps to be quite honest and the amount of thoughts and negativity buzzing round my mind just isn't on!

So, I thought it's time I took matters into my own hands to turn this feeling around.
It's time to start a ME project. I want to do everything I can to make me, myself & I the happiest and most confident I can be, because like they say "The best project you'll ever work on is YOU."
Those aspects of my life that I'm not happy with are all in my hands and my hands only! Only I can change them and what better a time to start than right now.

First up.... that thing I do 5 times a week. 

My job isn't my dream job, I think the world and his wife probably know that. My whole life I've had one problem and that's that I've never known what I've wanted to do when it comes to work and a job. 
I envy anyone who has a career plan from a young age - I feel like I never really achieved what I probably could have due to the fact I wasn't working towards a goal.
Turning 25 has given me a kick up the butt to strive to achieve. Obviously my dream job and career nowadays would be blogging (or something along those lines) - I have such a passion for it and get so much joy from running this little site - but I know the reality of this is very, very, very slim.
I hope I can find a job I love to go to daily over the next few years, it's just a pain in the butt living on an teeny tiny island with little opportunity, but I'm hoping that I can work towards something closer to my heart than retail.

I've also decided that I really do want to write a book. Laugh all you want but why not eh?

I've said it for a long time now and I've said it in a jokey way to both friends and family but really - whats stopping me?
 I have an idea and want to get started on it soon and even if I'm the only person that ever gets to lay eyes on it, I would have done it and enjoyed the journey. Something ticked off the bucket list at least and something to put my heart and soul into.

Next thing on my 'Me' list is my health. Now this is not only internally but externally too. A few years ago I took my health very seriously and managed to loose a tonne of weight (well not literally a tonne I wasn't an actually elephant) but I feel like recently I've slipped back into some bad and seriously unhealthy old ways and slowly but surely I have started to gain back weight. Something I have been trying to avoid for so long now and my confidence is hitting rock bottom once again.

I need to think more about what I'm putting into my body, I definitely have a sugar addiction and my late night snacking is something which I am loosing control over! I always feel tired and want to feel healthy again, so a new diet and a few big changes need to occur pronto!
I'm only young and really these years should be the best I ever look not the ones where I just want to wear baggy jumpers and the same pair of jeans all the time.
My diet needs an extreme overhaul and I want to make sure I'm exercising alot more. Now the weather is nicer it's going to be easier for me to get out and run which is great, I'm hoping by the time summer hits I will feel comfortable and confident in rocking cute trends in the sunshine.
I'm hoping with starting this Me project I can feel happier, healthier and more positive with where I'm at! The world is my oyster right?

Maybe you want to start a 'Me' Project too? Take control over certain aspects in your life that you aren't happy with? 
Join me - anything is possible, we can be whoever we want to be...... apart from Taylor Swift.... unfortunately we can't be Taylor Swift.

Check out and follow my very own 'Me Project' board on Pinterest - here , I'm hoping it will keep me motivated!
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  1. Ugh, I WISH I was Taylor Swift! This is a really great post, Kirstie. People don't understand quite how important they are, and how little they put themselves first. I might just join you in a 'me' project! And good luck with yours, I have the utmost faith in you!

    Rhianna | robowecop

  2. This post is great! Good luck with your Me project! I'm actually on kind of a Me project too, I should start calling it that, I think that would help me feel better :)

  3. This post is so motivating! I think I'm going to have to start my own "Me" Project after reading this! Also - I think you'll be able to write a book! Like you said, there's nothing stopping you x

  4. This is a really great post - I think it's great you took the time to post it because other people might be going through similar situations. I'm have a kind-of quarter life crisis...I'm only 18, but there are so many things I want to do, so many places I want to go. And I feel like I'm running out of time. I'm also struggling with career path...It's brought. Thanks for your sharing, it helps to know I'm not alone! xx

    Brooke | brookewrote

  5. Such a good idea.
    I truly believe that being happy in yourself can lead to more opportunities and make others happier too. Go for it.
    And i know us readers will always have your back!

    Rach //

  6. This is a beautiful post with a fantastic idea! Good for you! You'll get there, and it'll be amazing! Wishing you all the love and luck in the world :)

    Jemma xx

  7. Love this Kirstie! Good luck with all your goals I know you can achieve them! I'm the same with my job I'm a waitress and I hate it! Hopefully I can find something I want to do in the future. I also want to write a book as well :D xx

  8. I feel so inspired by this post :) Felt like I was reading my own thoughts. Thank you!

  9. Love this post!! I've been feeling exactly the same way lately, mid-twenties is a tricky time. I think creating a list of goals to work towards is a brilliant way of dealing with it! I find when I have things to work towards, and tick off a list, it makes me feel so much more positive :)

    Good luck with the book! I started writing one about six months ago and then got busy with work and stopped working on it - need to get back to it!

    Lynsey xx

  10. This is such a great post Kirstie, what a fabulous idea! Let us know how your project goes! <3

    Megan xo
    Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty & Fashion Blog

  11. Inspiring post for a Sunday afternoon read :)

    Gem x

  12. I've been on a Me project for a while but sometimes there's just too much I want to change and I get overwhelmed and go nowhere. So I'm starting off by focusing on a particularly aspect one month then adding to it the month after etc.


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