Friday 29 May 2015

What I'm Watching & Reading #1

I've been wanting to start a new series of posts on A Yellow Brick Blog for a while now, I love doing my "This Week I'm Loving..." posts but sometimes I do think I'm loving the same things for a week or too so they aren't needed weekly... as that would be super boring!
I came up with this idea last week and have been really looking forward to writing it! What I'm Watching & Reading is going to be a new series of posts highlighting certain blogs and vlogs that I have been loving! Sharing specific channels, videos, posts and sites - I want to share the love and let YOU know who I've been obsessing over.

As a huge fan of youtube and the blogging world I am near enough always online when not at work and just love finding new people to watch and read! 

I might just share certain people and their work, or maybe even a type of video that I've been watching alot of - either way hopefully YOU can find new vlogs and blogs to enjoy!

First up I'm going to talk YouTube. I have been totally obsessed recently with watching peoples "My Tattoos" videos! I find them soooo interesting! I love seeing what other people have chosen to get and their reasons and explanations about them.
I spotted InTheFrow (one of my blogging FAVS!) had uploaded hers and from there that was it - I couldn't stop watching them!
My 4 favourites had to be InTheFrow (Victoria), Helen Anderson, Katie Snooks and a new youtuber to me, who I found through this, called Tasha Leelyn (who's videos I've fallen in love with!). These girls have amazing channels - Helen's personality makes me laugh out loud she is brilliant! I highly recommend them .... especially if you're a nosey tattoo person like me! (although I haven't actually got any...... yet! These videos have seriously spurred me on to stop being a wimp and go and get one) 
Channels : Victoria | Helen | Katie | Tasha

Now onto blogs! I thought I'd share 4 blog posts that have stuck out to me over the last few weeks. Ones that I really enjoyed reading and want to share with you guys!
First is from Aspiring Londoner aka Farzana! This was actually the first post I had read from her blog and found it via one of the Twitter chats.
"3 Essential Steps To Improve Your Blog Photography" - I mean it had me sold from the title, I am always looking to improve my photos on here. I own a DSLR but am still trying to get my head around it and don't always get the results I'm looking for with it no matter how much I fiddle! The £1 marble background idea is awesome!

Next is from one of my favourite bloggers ever - Couture Girl aka Kayleigh! She recently had a total hair make-over from Catherine Boden and shared her whole experience in THIS blog post! I think her hair looks incredible, the colour and dimension she's been given is perfection.... makes me miss my long hair! 

Another one of my favourite bloggers now - ReallyRee
My favourite blog post this MONTH has to be her interview with Paris Hilton. Yes I am 100% green with envy even thinking about it but it was amazing to read such a natural and fun interview without heading to my local newsagents! Paris has been a total idol to me since I was a teenager - I just adore her and think she is one of the smartest women in the world! Read the interview - here.

Last but not least is a blog post all about.... blogging!
"The World Of Blogging Nobody Sees" is a post recently uploading my the total amazing Gracie from TheUglyFaceOfBeauty. (you may know this beauty from youtube.... but did you know she has a blog too?!)
This post is all about those things not everybody knows about blogging..... and some stuff even I didn't know either! I love Gracie's honesty, this post is a must read!

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  1. these are really cool picks. I will check that interview out :)

    Pam Scalfi♥

  2. This sounds like a great idea! Will check out these blogs!

  3. cool pictures ! I love your blog :)

  4. Will definitely be checking these out. I'm intrigued by the ugly face of beauty!

  5. Oooo what a lovely post! Thank you for sharing these with us Kirstie.

    Shannon x


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