Sunday 27 July 2014

Montagne Jeunesse Nut Oil Masque Review

Okay to a quick one........... if you are getting bored about me harping on about these face masks then please let me know! it's just I've been using a different one nearly every week and want to share my thoughts with you all - duh? Why else would I buy them? .. Jokes!

Montagne Jeunesse masks are fun, unique and total bargains with something for everyone - I love sharing products on here that work really well yet are also affordable!This week I have tried the Nut Oil Masque .... intrigued? Then have a little read of below!
 First up - you may notice these 2 ingredients from a post I did quite recently! Yes the new Lee Stafford range also uses these fab African oils too! 
Baobab and Marula oils are highly nourishing and have worked amazingly on both my hair and now my face!

The mask smells beautiful.... if you like nuts! If you aren't a nutty person then this isn't the stuff for you as you will probably hate it!
I'd say there's enough here for 2 uses or 2 people, I feel like I waste so much by only using it once on my own!

Cleansed and make-up free I put an even layer of this nutty goodness across my face and cuddled up on the sofa for a good 20 minutes.
At first my skin felt a bit tingly and I did start to worry that I was going to have some sort of reaction to it but after a few minutes this went away and I relaxed!
After about 10 minutes the mask started to set - I love this bit! It felt super tight and I could feel it working it's magic!

Relaxing time up I washed off the mask and was left with a fab glow I haven't had in a while. I've had certain glow's recently but they've been mostly a 'walking up-hill in 28degree heat' kind of unflattering glow!
Jim Carrey eat your heart out
It felt like it has really nourished my skin and had given it a good refresh - perfect for my weekly pamper!
This is definitely a mask I would repurchase and for only £1 why wouldn't I?! I still think my favourite mask so far has been the exfoliating hot spring sauna one with ginger - I'm dying to use that orange badboy again!
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  1. I have tried this before and i loved it! It smelt like nutty cookies to me! delish! I have two other MJ masks that i recently bought and need to try them, the coconut one and the passion peel off, oh i just love MJ masks lol

    fab review! <3

  2. Oww this sounds good!
    I love nutty scented products I might have to pick this one up!
    xo Holly xo


  3. I haven't tried this mask before but I think I will have to now, loving your review at the moment x

  4. I love this range, this one sounds fabulous! SO affordable too!
    Will be keeping my eyes out for it :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


  5. I think ive seen this in primark! tempted to try it now, im a huge fan of nuts so I was tempted in the first place!

    Catherine x

    beauty is in the eye of the beholder

  6. Where do you buy these masks? They look fab and for a £1 I'd be silly not to try them! x

  7. Sounds like a great mask will defiantly have to try it.

  8. They definitely do put too much in these masks, I always fold my pack over and use them the next day :) this sounds lovely, I love nut smells!

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

  9. This sounds great I LOVE these masks they are such bargains xx

  10. These masks are my fav, i usually get them from wilkinsons for 70p bargain! They are good for a few uses as well, not tried this one though they always seem to have new ones! xx

  11. I'm exactly like you, when I feel a bit of tingling when first applying a face mask I'm torn between quickly washing it off and waiting to see what happens :) x


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