Friday 18 July 2014

POTW #23 : Montagne Jeunesse Hot Chocolate Self Heating Facemask

So, relaxing with a face mask has become quite the weekly routine for me recently. Each Sunday it seems I delve into my exciting drawer full of testers and sachets of things and pick a new mask to try out!
This week it was the return of my fav Montagne Jeunesse brand and their Hot Chocolate self-heating mask.
I love chocolate and I love having nice skin so well this was a total no-brainer!
 I'd heard before that this was great and after it being sat in my drawer for a good few weeks I decided it was time to give it a go and chocolate myself up!

This smells sooo nice - obviously! It's cocoa and orange so it's basically like spreading melted Terry's chocolate orange all over your face! I love dark coloured face masks as it's easier to see where you've missed and easier to make it even across your face.
I've used a self-heating mask once before (you may have seen the recent post about it) so I knew what I was letting myself in for.
It only felt really warm when I was in contact with the product rubbing and spreading it across my face and it is was a nice feeling. You can feel your pore's opening up ready for a good cleanse!
After I had applied the chocolatey goodness I pottered around my flat for 10 minutes or so. In this time my boyfriend's mate rocked up (cheers for the warning there) and had a surprise haha! Oh dear!
When the time was up I used a muslin cloth and warm water to remove the mask - which was really easy! I always recommend scraping your hair right back when doing a face mask - it's the worst when it ends up hanging out in your hair not on your face! 
My skin felt fresh and cleansed and I followed with a soothing toner and moisturiser. My skin had been feeling really grimey before doing this and I feel like it has really helped cleanse it thoroughly! Bonuses - it smells like chocolate AND it's only £1!
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  1. My friends and I used to get these all the time when we had sleepovers :) Great review x

  2. Wow this sounds amazing!! Hot Chocolate and masks where can you go wrong!
    xo Holly xo


  3. I used this a few months ago and it smells so amazing I wanted to eat it (I didn't obviously lol) I love their range of face masks and they are always on offer in asda too x

  4. Always been a 'fraidy-cat when it came to the self heating ones, but I might give this one a go - thanks for the review!!


  5. I love their face masks and this is a fav of mine xxx


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