Friday 29 August 2014

POTW #29 : Richard Ward Anti-Ageing Argan Elixir

I'm a sucker for hair oils and once again I have found another one which has found it's way into my hair, my heart and my POTW!
Richard Ward is a salon branded haircare range that I have been recently trying out and this anti-ageing oil elixir is from The Chelsea Collection.
Now yes, it's call anti-ageing.... but I think it's never too early, especially when it comes to my hair (it can't be bad for it can it!?). With all the dye and things I've used over the years I am obsessed with anything that's made for making your hair feel that little bit nicer!

This pump dispensed bottle is 50ml and seeing as you only need a few pumps per use this should last a good few months!
The bottle itself says to use 1-2 pumps on towel dry hair but I've actually been using 3-4 pumps as I didn't feel like 1-2 was enough for my length hair.
I love the smell, it really smells like cola bottles to me - so weird but I really like it!
My hair feels soft and smooth and I've noticed my end are alot less frizzy than usual plus this is also a heat and UV protectant so perfect for styling and hot weather!!
Richard Ward Anti-Ageing Argan Elixir*
I've looked online and you can actually find this stuff in Waitrose, in store and online by the looks of it AND it's on offer at the moment so this little beauty is only £3.99 instead of it's usual price of £5.99! I am shocked this is so cheap, it feels alot more expensive - so chuffed that I can afford to repurchase over and over again!
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  1. Such a great price point :) x

  2. Such a fab price and with my over dying & messing with hair anti ageing is NEVER too late xxx

    Blonde of Carbs

  3. Sounds promising! thing. What's an anti-aging hair cream? That's so confusing to me. So, basically it does one thing: decreasing hair fallout? Is there other things that go hand in hand with anti aging and hair? Please explain! :)



  4. I don't do too much to my hair (e.g. dying, drying, straightening) so do you think it would be worthwhile for me to get this product anyway?

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  5. Iv been thinking about a new oil as my current one is on its last few pumps! Might have to chuck this in the trolly next shopping day!

  6. I have Never hear of this products! great post!

  7. I saw some of their products in Waitrose and resisted... but I don't have any hair oil at the moment...
    Jennifer xx

  8. When? Well, that is somewhat tough to say. Some people should start using it as soon as they get into their 20's, while others can wait well into their 30's before they begin using an anti aging anti wrinkle cream.
    droopy eyelid treatments


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