Friday 15 August 2014

POTW #27 : Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturising Lotion

Over the past year or so I have suddenly developed some really dry patches and irritated skin on my legs, mainly my shins.
 I'd never had this before and it had started to become really itchy and uncomfortable for me, I had tried a few products which worked for a while but nothing that really cleared it up.

 I'd seen Aveeno products many times before but never really thought to pick them up, until I read a recent review from the lovely Zoe from BeautyPie.
Zoe had popped this product, Aveeno's Skin Relief Moisturising Lotion, in her Tips & Tricks for itchy skin after shaving post (read here) and I loved the sound of it so a couple of days later I went to Boots and happily invested in a bottle for myself.
I went for the larger 300ml sized bottle as even though it is a couple a pounds extra I prefer having a pump action to dispense from than a sqeeuzy tube.

The fact this has shea butter written on the front had me sold even more - I love love love the stuff! This lotion is said to be for extra dry, irritable and sensitive skin... just what I needed for those pesky legs of mine!
I have been using this daily since the day I got it on my legs and the rest of my body and have been so pleased with the results.
There isn't a strong scent to this and it rubs in really quickly, which is great for the monrings when I'm in a hurry!
My legs are no longer itchy and the red bumps which always appeared before are no longer there and hopefully will not return! 

This is now on offer in Boots so I'm definitley going to be picking up another bottle of this stuff! 
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  1. I have little dry patches on my upper arms and I have tried everything. The only thing I find works is Aveeno! The Daily Moisturising Lotion is great for the whole body :)

    xo Claire

  2. This was my saviour when going through roaccutane treatment, which I just finished this week, so my skin is still super dry. It is amazing! I was introduced to it by the make up artist who did my bridesmaid make up for a friends wedding. She told me all about how anything with oats will basically suck any inflammation and redness out. Need to try the lip balm next! x

  3. This sounds great I get such dry patches on my arm in summer it's sooo annoying xxx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My son used to use the regular aveeno for eczema. I hadn't realised there was a shear butter one. I'll add this to my shopping list.



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