Saturday 9 August 2014

Maybelline NEW Baby Lips Electro - Pink Shock Review

Oppsie ... I've bought another lip product! It's not my fault okay it's a very sad addiction!
I've been looking forward to this new range coming out for a while now so when I saw it in Boots of course I bought it.... like the sucker I am!
Yes it is the brand spanking (to the UK) new Baby Lips from Maybelline.
Now I've only picked up 1 so far but for only £2.99 it probably won't be long until I cave in and buy some more!
Now these are so much more up my street than the original collection - I love a bit of colour so anything bright and funky I'm going to love! 
The Electro collection consists of 4 different shades. This one 'pink shock' instantly caught my attention (Although I seriouly want to get my hands on Berry Bomb but it wasn't in store ... sad face!)

A lip balm that gives you up to 8 hours of hydration and a fabulous flash of neon! Perfect for summer and hot days where minimal make-up is key!
I definiley think the colour develops more the longer it is on aswell! It's been fab to have in my work bag, replacing my lip butters and vaseline tins!
Another product under £3 which has secured itself in my daily routine for the summer! Have any of you tried these out yet?
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  1. I have that same one, and I use it on a daily basis as well!


  2. This looks so much nicer than the old one, not sure why! I hope they work a bit better than the last set though, i was so disappointed with those xx

  3. Saw this in boots and brought it! Fingers crossed I'll like it :)

    Emily xx

  4. I'm not usually tempted by lip balm but £3 is a bargain. It's a great colour.


  5. I'm way too scared to go for bright colours x

    Lizzie's Corner

  6. Ooo I didn't know they was bringing out a new one, I loved the last ones, I use my red one all the time, no doubt I'll be purchasing this!! - Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle blog x

  7. I've just bought this but not tried it out yet. £2.99 is such a bargain price! xo

  8. Love the baby lips products but not seen these! Will definitely have to try some out on my next trip to boots...have you tried the Collection versions I think they are called Mardi Gras? not sure how the formula compare but they smell AMAZING! ahaa :)

  9. I love these. I have tried the original baby lips and was really disappointed but i loveddddd the electro version. I find the colour develops the longer you wear it also.
    great post :)!!

    aimee xo

  10. This looks so much better than the original that I wasn't bowled over by xxx

  11. Less than $3?! That's pretty great! Too bad it's only in the UK though.

    Vessi :: arts & petite style blog

  12. Such a lovely shade, I should definitely try this one. I love baby lips

  13. These look great! I was trying to find the range in my local boots but couldn't find any! Had a settle with Barry M Cor Balmy instead, which I think it very similar and they have also become a summer staple in my bag!
    I have written about them on my blog

  14. Love Baby Lips! Gives amazing colour and moisturises too!

  15. Wowza! Love the colour. I've not tried any of the Electro Baby Lips yet but seeing your review has made me want to go and buy myself one! Raspberrykiss xo

  16. Pink Shock is my favourite of the Baby Lips. I always have it in my purse!
    Today's Beauty Obsession

  17. This looks like such a pretty shade, definitely need to try these new electro baby lips!
    You've written a fab review, and I can see me wearing this every day too when I get it :)

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment on my blog!

    Laura ♥ |
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