Tuesday 12 August 2014

MeMeMe Cosmetics Blush Me! Boxed Blusher - Coral Review

Kirstie using a blush? I know - it's a miracle!

I'm not normally one for blushes, I'm such a bronzer girl at heart as I always think that blushes look horrible on me skin but like I've said before I think this is mainly because it brings back bad memories of being a red-cheeked child!
When I received this I was nervous when I saw the word blush BUT with it being a coral shade I knew it would much more up my street than a pink-pink!
How cute is this packaging - I love it! Yes it is slightly more bulky than a normal compact of blush in your make-up bag but I love cute things like this! It has a cherub on it for goodness sake... awww!

It comes with a small blush brush (like most boxed blushes nowadays), great for when you're on the go but for me this isn't what I'd use on a daily basis I prefer using either my RT or Zoeva brushes!
This is the prettiest shade, a peachy coral pink which is slowly changing the way I look at blushers - they don't scare me so much anymore!

I've been using this alongside a bronzer... sorry I can't just stop using it, and popping it on the apples of my cheeks to give me a flush of colour.
This may look a little overly orange on my arm here but it looks so lovely when blended in and I'm loving it as one of my final steps to my morning routine! 
 (Sorry I don't have a photo of it on.... keep an eye on my instagram and I'm sure you'll spot a selfie with it on!)
These blush boxes are just £8.50, a total steal for the quality of it and compared to other brands such as Benefit which sell similar products!

What are your favourite blushes? I'm loving coral this summer beaut of a colour on both face and my lips!
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  1. This totally looks like it's a Benefit blush! Will look out for the photo on instagram :) x


  2. What a beautiful colour! The packaging is super cute also!

    Hilary x | TheBeautyCollective

  3. Oh that is absolutely gorgeous!! I thought it was a Benefit blush at first! x

    The Sunday Chapter

  4. I'm a bronzer girl too but I like to wear blusher every now and then; the colour of this blusher is lovely!

    Would you like to join my Student Box Swap? Check my blog for more details!


  5. Such a pretty shade! I'm not a fan of those sorts of brushes either

    Style Sunrise ☀


  6. It looks like a lovely colour! I have recently got so into blushes and now I'm a changed girl!!
    xxx | daisydaisyxxo

  7. I love the packaging. So adorable!
    Angie x

  8. Oh my god, how pigmented is that! Gorgeous for the Summer, must give it a go!

    XO, G from grace'd

  9. Wow, such a beautiful, rich color. It project very nicely on your skin ^^

    Cristielle |Fairytale Princess ☾•*

  10. Fabulous price and gorgeous colour xxx

  11. I thought this was a Benefit blush at first - holy moly it looks beautiful!!

  12. This is such an amazing colour! I'm definitely with you on preferring peachy blushes :)
    Counter Pretty

  13. Nice packaging! :) I'll definitely purchase this next week.
    ~Pauline @ NYX Philippines


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