Tuesday 26 August 2014

Boots Ingredients Coconut & Almond Intensive Hair Mask Review

Huge barry bargain on your screens right now. 
There is never a time in my life where I would say no to a ridiculously good deal like this and after using the product and falling in love, of course, I had to share it with you guys!
 I'm talking about the coconut and almond intensive hair mask from Boots! Now these pots are usually  just £1.99 each - a total bargain anyway for a huge 350ml pot but they are on offer at the moment as 2 for £2.... I mean come on - who comes up with these crazy deals! Just 1p extra for double the amount... it would have been rude to not take Boots up on this generous offer!

I haven't used any of the other products from this range before but I am a huge coconut fan, especially when it's involving hair products.
This smells lovely and is a pretty iridescent white ivory shade! I have been using this after I have shampooed and conditioned and leave it on for 3-5 minutes.
It's really creamy and glides through the hair easily... because it cheap and a fairly large pot I probably use more than I normally would with other higher priced hair treatments.

This has got to be the best value for money haircare product I've come across in the last few years! It leaves my hair feeling soft, smooth and alot more conditioned than normal. Something else I've noticed is how much shiner it is, I haven't had my hair coloured in months so to me it's been looking a little dull but this has really turned it around and had it looking shiny and bouncy again!

I've been using this everytime I wash my hair and I am definitely going to pick up a couple more while they are on offer!
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  1. I had no idea Boots made hair products! Once they hit the stores in the US I'll make sure to try it!


  2. This seems like a lovely product for the hair <3 I really need to get a hair mask asap might even get this <3

    zara xx

  3. I used to use this all the time but had sort of forgotten about it, must visit boots whilst it's still on offer!


    1. I love a good bargain! I prefer thicker conditioners for masks but this would make a great normal conditioner for me :)

      India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

  4. Sounds great! Will have to check it out!


  5. This sound lovely! I'm always in need of haircare products as my hair is pretty damaged at the moment and I'm trying to give it more TLC!
    Ellie | eleanormaes.blogspot.com x

  6. I did not like this product at all, I got an severe allergic reaction from it and have never used it since.
    But It makes me happy that it works so well for you :D I love a good bargain!


  7. I have this and it's so good when you consider the price compared to other conditioning masks. Love a Barry Bargain! ha x

    Victoria | VIXWILL

  8. I love the leave in conditioner version of this, I've repurchased so many times! Not tried this but I will. :)

    Alicia (LissyBeauty)

  9. Any product that is coconut scented is always good in my books and the price for this one is incredible (I spend more than that in a day on chocolate)!



  10. If I were you, I'd read my last post. Trust me. ;) http://whimsicalmumblings.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/icebucketchallenge.html

  11. Ohhh, sounds like a complete steal! :)


  12. After reading your post I had to go out and get some, at such a reasonable price how could I not? I'm yet to try it but here's hoping its good.




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