Thursday 28 August 2014

The Positive Post

I like to think that I am a happy person (most of the time) but like alot of people my self-esteem is up and down like a yo-yo and sometimes I need a good slap just to remind me how lucky I am and how to stay happy and positive.

Once in a while I love to have a good look on sites like Tumblr and Pinterest and I'm sure I'm not the only one, addictive much?
The cute little photos and quotes I spot on there always make me smile and I love saving them to my phone, putting them as my wallpaper and sharing them around!
There's alot of negativity on the internet (and in the real world!) and it sucks. We all see it daily and it's nice just to share a bit of light and love now and again so I've decided to  have some happy thoughts here on A Yellow Brick Blog today. 

Some quotes and words really do have the power to lift your spirits and turn your day around so here is an easy read for you all, hopefully it will make you smile.

(Obviously I have not created any of these photos I have just found them online and wanted to put them on here for you guys to see too.)
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  1. I love all of these quotations - you made me smile first thing this morning :D

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  2. Thank you for this, I'm waiting on a very important phone call and my stress is through the roof!! Reading these helped me relax a little. :)

  3. Such nice quotations on days when you need a pick me up! xo

  4. I LOVE this post just what I needed for a pick me up I want to print them all out and smother my walls haha xxx

    Blonde of carbs

  5. What a lovely blog post! I totally agree with what you said regarding there is to much negativity on the net and also in the news. I have seen more and more cases of animal abuse online and in the papers lately which is so upsetting,I also have my up and down days so this post today certainly has cheered me up and made me smile so thank you :) xx

  6. Well this was lovely, what a great start to my Thursday! Thank you Kirstie xx

  7. such lovely quotes, sometimes they really help to put things into perspective

    Ioanna |

  8. I must admit, I do love a good quote! Raspberrykiss xo

  9. What a lovely post! I love finding new quotes so reading this has made me smile! Thank you.

    Danielle x

  10. Such a lovely post, cheered me right up ha!

  11. This is such a lovely, little post. I really enjoyed reading the quotes, particularly the 'Life is like a camera' one. It's good to give yourself a little pick me up, now and again. xxx

    Kirsty - Effortlessly Excessive.

  12. Love these little quotes, saved some for my phone wallpaper!

  13. I really needed to read this post today! Thank you hunnie ha :) xx

  14. Love these :) I have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to quotes like them!
    Jennifer xx

  15. Love these quotes, definitely brightened my day :-) Rebeka x

    Rebeka Taylor

  16. These are all great! I really love the one from Lucille Ball and the camera reference!


  17. Aw! So so needed this today. Thanks for this!

  18. Great idea for a post :) I'm feeling better about this week already, I especially love the Walt Disney post.

    and yes, Pinterest is totally addictive!! :D haha.


  19. these are great quotes - its good to have things like this nearby for inspiration.. sometimes its the only thing to turn a day around :)

  20. Such a great post :) Definitely made me smile. I'm focussing on being healthier and exercise being the most underutilized antidepressant really struck a chord. :) Thanks for sharing

    Aimee Belle


  21. I loved this post :) Its so nice to see positivity being spread around the internet rather than hate! I actually did a full post on positivity on my blog a few months ago you should check it out! -


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