Saturday 30 August 2014

Rodial Super Acids X-treme Hangover Mask Review

Oh shocker - Kirstie's found another face mask to rave about! Sorry guys... I just have a major love for them!
You may remember last week I did a post on Rodial's Super Acids X-treme Pore Shrink Pads and today I'm going to be talking about another product from the same fabulous green packaged range!
This is the Rodial Super Acids X-treme Hangover Mask.... coolest name ever right?
For the last month or so I have been using this mask religiously every week. Yes I have been using other masks aswell but I've always used this aswell.... 2 face masks a week - is that bad? Hope not!

This is a triple action clay mask which deeply cleanses, exfoliates and restores your skin to reveal a healthy, glowing looking complexion.
Pronalen fruit acids exfoliate and retexture the skin whilst the appearance of fine lines are tackled by the laracare and argireline hexapeptide (crikey... totally mouthfuls!)

After cleansing my face of all make-up and cr*p I squeeze out a 50p sized amount of product on my fingers and evenly spread it across my face, avoiding my eyes.
You only need a thin layer of this stuff and once it's on I normally just sit down and chill out for about 15 minutes. Smell wise.... it doesn't have a strong scent - to be honest it's the same as the pore shrink pads but I can't really explain it. (rubbish blogger alert!)

I really do feel this mask working, sounds crazy but you do feel it pentrating the skin and doning all those jobs it says it's made for!
After the mask has set and I have that lovely hard-face feeling I gently rub off the mask (alot of it tends to sink into the skin during those 15 mins btw) and then any reisdue left I just remove with warm water and a muslin cloth.

Each time I've used this my skin has felt even better, you can feel all the dead skin cells being lifted away, leaving you with a fresh, soft face. Plus even though it has alot of ingredients and promises alot, my skin never feels overly abused from it. (some face masks can leave my skin a little red and blotchy.... luckily this isn't one of them.)
Glowing, hydrated skin is what you get from this beaut. After a tiring week at work I look forward to giving myself a pick me up with this. 
 But for £45 it's not the cheapest skin fix. Yes it does last, I've been using this for weeks and have probably used about a third, but there probably is other skincare products/masks out there that can give you more or less the same effect for a fraction of the price.
This for me is a major treat, it works amazingly well for my skin and I have been so chuffed with the results but it is slightly out of my price range for a face mask..... just being honest guys!
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  1. I love rodial so much I am using the pads at the moment but am definitely a face mask kind of gal, and despite it's price tag I WANT IT! xxx

    Blonde of carbs

  2. This sounds lovely, have yet to try anything from this brand, Really want to give this a go!

    Sam xo sjmcdf

  3. Thanks! This sounds great! I love your blog!!


  4. This seems so worth the money. I've never tried Rodial products but I'm now thinking what am I waiting for!x

  5. I actually really like the look of that product: it looks light and not too heavy with is perfect for my skin.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  6. UGHH I need this! It's now on the wishlist. It just sounds like the perfect mask.


  7. This sounds great!

  8. if you would like to produce Mask your personal masquerade masks, You might require some materials which can be imperative AND tend to be focused to help creating a good mask AND others which might be simply just required to complete creativity in order to the craft.


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