Tuesday 19 August 2014

My Festival Style & What's In My Festival Beauty Bag?

With festival season well underway and with Bestival (my fav) on the horizon I thought what better thing to do, in true beauty/fashion blogger style, than to share with you guys a cheeky Festival look and also my top beauty essentials for a Festival!

Recently Folli Follie asked me if I would like to join their My Festival Style campaign. I am a huge festival lover as you may already know. Living on the doorstep of two of the UK's biggest I always love to spend weeks and weeks planning my outfits for the weekend aswell as my hair & make-up choices (am I sad? no! I'm a girl!)
So obviously this campaign was right up my street and I jumped at the chance to be involved, with millions of ideas for outfits flooding my mind I settled for this one - something I can hopefully wear to Bestival in a few weeks time (*praying*)
Hat : Primark
Sunglasses : Primark
Necklace* : Folli Follie
Dress : Fashion Union
Watch* : Folli Follie
Bag : ASOS
Wellies : Hunter

So with the sun shining and music on I've gotten in the funky festival mood! I love this dress, it is from Fashion Union but I managed to get it half price in a sale at New Look! It's super comfy and as much as I love the look of playsuits in the summer - they aren't always festival practical!
This hat is something I was a little nervous about buying, it's a little OTT for me but it was a total bargain in Primark and I actually really like how it looks! Hat's are great, especially when it's sunny and you're outside for most of the day - protect yourselves people! Wellies are essential.... as well as sunglasses!

Folli Follie were so so lovely to send me some gorgeous items to help perfect my Festival look! I think a watch is a must have item for a Festival, with bands on at certain times and meeting people left, right and centre - you need to know the time 24/7! Yes we all have phones but when you're in a crowd or in a muddy field you don't always want to have to delve around in your bag to find your phone! 
This watch is gorgeous, it is the Watchalicious Watch* (best name ever!) It's a super pretty rose gold (blogger fav right?) and I love that is doesn't look too bulky even on my tiny wrist! I have literally worn it everyday since receiving it, incredible quality and soooo pretty - I mean... look at it! 
And the necklace, oh I love the necklace! It is the Rose Gold Carma Necklace* and it's gorgeous I'm obsessed, it goes with so much, I'm proper chuffed with it! (Yes, I just used the word chuffed!)

Now, style part down let's hit the beauty bits! Even though, yes there may be mud, there may be smelly toilets - hell, there may even be sick - us girls still want our beauty products near us at all times right? Why should a Festival be any different?
These are things that I always take with me and use when heading to a Festival.
Floral headbands ..... a total obvious cliche choice I know. But..... they look pretty and can seriously hide a bad hair day! I love this red and pink one from New Look* and the baby pink one I've had for years, they finish off a cute outfit perfectly.
False eyelashes are a must have for me at a festival! No worrying about re-applying mascara all day, these make anyone look glam and you can go as big as you want at a festival, anything goes! My favs are 107's or 101's from Eylure.

Eyeshadows after a whole day at the festival don't always look the best (well on me anyway!) as much as I'd love to have some crazy mutli-coloured look I always stick to my trusty neuttals! The Naked Basics* palette is perfect for me, so compact and gorgeous shades! (I'm such a wimp when it comes to eyeshadows!)

Lip products that are a 2 in 1 are also up there with my favourite things to take to a Festival! The new baby lips electro are perfect, amazing colour whilst keeping your lips hydrated!
It get hot seriously hot and sweaty in all those crowds so the Liz Earle Skin Tonic Spritzer is perfect for keeping you feeling refreshed and awake, I love spraying this across my chest and up my arms!

You wanna smell nice during your weekend of fun don't you? Travalo's are a godsend. I have used these for years and they were just made for things like this! Pump your favourite perfumes into the handy tiny atomizer! As well as this why not get some testers to take with you aswell? The new Hugo Boss Ma Vie* is gorgeous (you got even put a tester into your Travalo!
Suncream is a must, protecting your skin and doubling up as a moisturiser too! For my hair Umberto Giannini's Backcomb In A Bottle* is fab for keeping all that mane how you want it and looking big, bouncy and fabulous, plus a dry shampoo is a must for a weekend of madness, I love this one by Aussie
Tissues, tissues, tissues, you will be using poratloos alot.... lots of drinks are to blame there and there isn't always loo roll so I have have a pack of tissues in my bag constantly..... just hide them when your in the queue otherwise every Tom, Dick and Harry will be asking you for one!
Back to talking about portaloo's and all those other grimey places you'll come across.... anti-bac gel will make you feel alot better about life!

So there you are, a little look at a festival wardrobe idea and my fav beauty bits to take with me! Thanks so much Folli Follie for getting me involved, I love anything to do with Festivals and I've found this so much fun!

Have you been to any Festivals this year? Going to any?
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  1. You look absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love the accessories too beautiful, you are going to bestival?! SNAP Hope I see you there xxx

    Blonde of Carbs

  2. This is super cute! <3 I love the dress!

  3. I love this outfit so much the dress is gorgeous! I love the naked basic palette and use it all the time :) xx

  4. You look amazing! Love the print on your dress, and that watch is beautiful! :)

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment on my blog!

    Laura ♥ | http://www.laurasallmadeup.com/
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  5. Love this post!! Your outfit is amazing and I totally agree - little dress and wellies is the best festival combo! I absolutely ADORE that necklace and the watch is gorgeous too :) xx Emsy xx


  6. Loovveee this post! I'm going to Bestival as well! I'm sooo excited! I really love your dress, it's so gorgeous

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  7. This outfit is amazing! I love the print on the dress x

    Telina | Love, Telina

  8. You look gorgeous, love your outfit!
    Lydia x

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ooh the print of this dress is gorgeous, perfect for a festival!
    Tiana x

  11. great print on the dress for a fesival
    didn't know follie follie did jewellery like that...

  12. Loved this post! Your outfit is so cute...definitely got some of my festival essentials in there too! I just did my own festival beauty essentials post too if you have time to check it out :-)


  13. Great post, that hat is really cute! I went to bestival two years ago and it genuinely was the 'best festival!' be prepared for lots of queing to get in and out though!


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