Tuesday 25 June 2013

Kirstie's Beauty Buys Of The Week

So Monday hit this week and I was overwhelmed with the Monday morning blues ("boooo you whore"). Best thing for that you ask? A spot of shopping, duh!
 Retail Therapy makes me VERY happy (don't act like I'm the only one) and I've had my eye on these bits for a while now and I thought today was the perfect time to splash out and purchase them! (Also included is some basic necessities which I was in desperate need of!)

So I hit TWO shops, crazy I know, (.... I live on a small town and I was on my lunch hour alright!) Boots & Liz Earle and actually ended up spending alot less than I thought I would (got to love promotional deals!)
First up Liz Earle...
I went into the Liz Earle store for one reason and one reason only - I had run out of cleanse and polish and was on the verge of a breakdown without it!
 The thought now of taking my make-up off with anything else sets me on edge! I think I wear quite a bit of make-up (especially layers of mascara) and I haven't found anything else that gets off 100% of it and leaves me feeling fresh as a daisy!
I seriously love it and would recommended it to anyone! I needed some new muslin cloths aswell so I went for the "starter pack" which actually works out cheaper than buying the polish and cloths separately (little tip for you there!) 
As Liz Earle are lovely people I got to choose a free miniature aswell to go with my purchase and guess what I chose .... Yup - cleanse and polish! (you can never have too much of a good thing!) and at least it will keep me going for a bit longer!
Now onto Boots - this includes things I have been looking at for a while to buy and some basic necessities that I had run out of ......
First up, some Lee Stafford hair products! I am obsessed with Lee Stafford products and have been using the hair growth shampoo and conditioner along with the hair growth treatment religiously for months and months and have loved the affect they have all had on my hair! 
Saying this, recently I've noticed my hair isn't as blonde as I would like (I'm blaming lack of sunshine) so these two products look like the perfect choice for meThese products are for getting rid of brassy and orangey tones from blonde hair which is exactly what I want!
I'm sure you've all heard of the "silver shampoo" that everyone uses to get their hair a whiter blonde, well this stuff more or less seems like the same thing.... Just a nicer brand/name/scent!
 I trust Lee Stafford (and would buy his products over any on the market) so I don't mind paying the extra for his products! (also Boots have a buy one get one half price deal on at the moment so it worked out perfectly!) 
I'll be using these once a week from now on and I'll keep you updated with the results! Have any of you tired these?
Next I've got some of the boring basics that us beauty lovers can't live without! 
Number one - cotton buds! I can't tell you how many of these I get through, mainly on dodgey bits of mascara on my face and fixing my eyebrows after I've penciled and powdered them! They are so so handy for so many things! I buy the "baby" ones as I think they are more or less exactly the same as any other normal cotton buds BUT half the price - why pay more? Secondly I got some cotton pads. But no, not just any old cotton pads  I buy the 'Cotton Wool Double Faced Oval Pads' (posh right?.... no? okay...)! I love these as they are super thick and perfect for using For both my Liz Earle Skin Tonic morning and night and for nail varnish removers!
Lastly - some No7 face wipes! Now I'm not a big facewipe user (anymore) but it never hurts to have them around!
 I thought they would also be handy for giving my make-up brushes a quick spruce up when needed when I don't have enough time to full on clean them)! At the moment Boots are giving out No7 vouchers everytime you spend £4 or more so I used my voucher to get these and because you receive £5 off skincare with it it made these JUST £2! (originally £7 .... duh!) What a barry bargain!
People with straight white teeth are probably the people I envy most in the world! 
If I could have one thing perfect about myself it would be my teeth! I love trying out new whitening products but because I can get quite sensitive teeth I don't like to use to really harsh abrasive stuff (also I'm a massive wimp!). 
So a few weeks ago on twitter I asked everyone for their advice! 'A good whitening toothpaste which will is not harmful, super abradive or that will make my teeth sensitive.' (see I'm not even asking for alot....). Most people agreed with me and said most of the good ones are strong and can leave your teeth quite sensitive but a couple of people (including a friend who is a dental nurse) recommended this - Sensodyne's Pro Namel Gentle Whitening. This is also apparently the only whitening toothpaste recommended by dentists so I thought I would give it a go and hopefully I'll notice a change soon!
If you are anything like me then you never leave home without this stuff.
 Anti-bacterial hand gel has become a staple in my handbag wherever I may be going!
 This, along with the bath and body works products, has got to be my favourite anti-bac (it's from Soap & Glory so of course I'm going to like it!)
It smells amazing and reminds me of the first half of my travelling  in the USA as this was in my bag constantly! I love the scent and like paying a bit extra for a nicer smelling/looking gel.
Finally were onto the last two products and my favourites
You've seen me rave about Barry M lipglosses before on here and this one has got to be my favourite. 
I've lost count with how many I've bought over the years and being that my current tube is more or less empty I decided it was time for a new replacement! (Boots have also got make-up on the buy one get one half price offer so again, this worked out perfectly!) 
Not only is it an amazing bright pink colour but it also smells like Bubblegum! I love it so much, there's nothing worse than a lip product with a horrible smell and Barry M have got the scent just perfect on this AND the formula is amazing too smooth and pigmented.
Along with this I purchased the Rimmel Apocalips in Big Bang. 
Now I've you've read my blog for a little while you know that I have been after a good thick pigmented red lipgloss for a long long time.
Not so long ago I had the Barry M red lipgloss which, like all their others, was amazing but it was limited edition so when it was gone - it was really gone! After not being able to find one which compared I was extremely excited when I bought the Apocalips in the colour Nova (a gorgeous dusty pink) a couple of weeks ago! 
This formula is amazing and I can see why everyone has been raving about them! As soon as I used Nova for the time I knew I was in love and realised I must have completely overlooked the red shade on the stand (schoolboy error!)
After asking the beautiful people on twitter I found out there was a red shade and everyone seemed to have the same opinion - it was the one!
 So happy I finally have a lovely red lipgloss that I don't have to pair with a lipstick -sometimes I just find it so much easier to keep re-applying a nice lipgloss throughout the day/evening rather than faffing around with a lipstick - the colour is so so great and I can't praise Rimmel enough for the Apocalips range.

Anyway that is just the few things I bought on Monday! I hope you have all had a lovely start to the week! Let me know in the comments below what you have been upto and what you have planned for the week along with your thoughts on this post :-) 
Thank you so much for reading, if you like this blog then please follow via GFC & Bloglovin' x


  1. Fantastic haul! I love the Apocalips too they've just released in Australia and there is a few different shades and Big Bang didn't release here ;(


    1. Thank you! oooo do you have any shades that we don't?! they are amazing I want to buy more! x

  2. only just started using cleanse & polish and i love it! xox

  3. Im can be quite fussy with lipgloss but i love the barry m ones, my favourite is toffee!
    Great haul :)
    Natalie xx

    1. I love the toffee one! Thaat was the first Barry M lipgloss I ever bought! x

  4. Loving your purchases! I'm addicted to Cleanse and Polish too! I think they're doing free delivery this month so might have to copy you and stock up! ;D

    Loving the Apocalips lipgloss you've picked up and I want to try the Soap & Glory hand gel now - hand gel usually smells horrible!

    Yinyin xx

    1. Ooooo yes get in there! I'm lucky I live near a store! It's so nice, that and the bath and body works ones are the best!! xxxx

  5. This Sensodyne toothpaste is one of my favorite toothpastes ever! Lee Stafford products are definitely something I should try.

    1. Oooo I'm liking it so far, have you seen a difference with whiteness using it? xxxx

  6. That is a great haul xx


  7. Ooooooh! A soap and glory anti-bacterial wash! Sounds amazing! Might just have to be top of my festival-goers list.



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